RECIPIENT: Corse Principal SENDER: ✠⟨⟨ | Acolyte Lucien Sarti LOCATION: Provence ENCRYPTION:Irrompibile SUBJECT:New squad under my command proposition
Out of the gate I want to say that I appreciate working for a large organization such as this. As you know I have followed orders to the letter, even spent countless hours hauling, with diplomacy with the GSB and patrollingin inner Gallia and neighbouring systems. I believe this is what netted me my promotion, and I hope I have proven I am commited and can be trusted.
Now, to my reason of contacting you. As you know I have always been someone who eradicates targets. Often not even for Corse but for anyone who would pay - and I still believe this and my knowledge of Sirius through my contract hunting are my biggest assets, despite recent duty in inner Gallia. And I would like to put that snrenght to use, with the backing of our organization.
If we are to achieve total domination over the Sirian drug market we must get rid of the Outcasts and their Cardamine. But we will never achieve that by just repelling them from Gallia, or futile attempts at direct open assaults at their heavily fortified home system. No, to move nox into more places, to gain favour over distribution networks we must strike the Outcasts away from their homes, away from Gallia - we must disrupt their operation everywhere possible. As a side effect, thwarting them across Sirius will deflect their focus from Gallia itself.
My request
I hereby ask you to provide resources and manpower and entrust me to command of our new Splusione squad. It's purpose is simple - disrupt the Outcast and their Cardamine business, negotiations with local suppliers, shipments etc. Sirius wide. Hit them where they do not expect us, and make a spectacle of it. A side bonus is that many factions are willing to hire us to do just that - thinking we are mere mercenaries willing to support their cause, in effect funding and supporting our Nox market and distribution operations in their own backyards.
I might have a new recruit willing to help with such a task already should you OK our operation.Let me know what you think,