Name(s):Bub Sweffur Date of birth:13/5/699 Place of birth:Planet Marseille, Provence Nationality:Gallic Biography (about 100 words):Oi, One of my bars on Marseille got swarmed by these sniffing bastards using "Cardamine". This was not the deal monsieur, If anyting, Nox is what we give to our customers! It is time moi enter the fray and show you people how business is done. Additional information you consider relevant:My bars are elite of elite, I will not tolerate foreign commodities hampering my profits.
ooRP section
What ship/class are you most proficient in?Bub Sweffur size barely fits Gunboats but he can use it well. How would you rate your PVP and RP skills (on a scale from 0-10)?PVP: Caps 9 Snubs 1. RP: Bub RP 10 other RP 0. Reasons to join (optional):Bub wants to join UC to beat the happiness out of random people. Were you sanctioned before?Few Discord Name and Tag:Venemon#5429 Additional information you consider relevant:Gallic wine