RECIPIENT: High Command SENDER: ✠⟨⟨ | Acolyte Lucien Sarti LOCATION: Gran Canaria ENCRYPTION:Moyen SUBJECT: Omega-48 and Sirian embargo - golden opportunities?
Saluti, Embargo
The so called Sirian "Embargo" can be a golden opportunity. It has zero impact on us as we rely on smuggling routes anyways. Perhaps it is time to work with the Union more closely when it comes to "normal" trade from Sirius, deliver what Gallic corporations cannot, at a large premium of course. Hell, we can even (ab)use our simple minded friends the Brigands and Maquisards to do the work for us, deliver the commodities we ask of them from Sirius at normal prices and then just move them to their enemies within the Union, pocketing the premiums for ourselves at little to no risk!
Seems like a new opportunity in Sirius has opened up. The Omega-48 system is a massive, lawfless and chaotic one yet bustling with traffic brought there by the abundant resources. The only "lawful" forces seem to be the Core that seemed to be very keen on distributing Nox for profit in the past, and scarce Bretonian and Rheinlander military patrols.
Domestic Officers in the Gallic Navy itsef enjoy Nox, it is hard to believe some far away from home soldiers from Sirian houses wouldn't be open to some relaxation.
The great news is that no Outcasts seem to be present, nor is Cardamine wide spread in the region! This is a pristine opportunity where we could take advantage of the chaos and lawlesness to widen our drug spreading influence. I have scouted the area and found buyers on the desolate Planet Gran Canaria . The world is buzzing with news of the docking ring being rebuilt, this might lead to population incrase, population who's drug habits we could influence, and watch our market grow hand in hand with Gran Canaria's restoration.
Right now Gran Canaria is still in trouble, we can build goodwill with the Zoners by moving refugee belongings from Lanzarote station to Canberra Star City. But those same people we help may return, and be open to us and Nox in return.
Currently the market value of Nox on Gran Canaria is 4,844 credits per unit. And if we play our cards right, with pretending to be friends to the right people while quietly getting rid of the wrong ones in the shadows, we might spread Nox to all groups that operate in the region much like we have in Gallia.