• Recipient: Publiquement
• Sender: Intermédiaire Édouard René "Blanc-Rouge" Blanqui
• Source: La Joliette, Marseille
• Subject: Current situation
Bonu dopu meziornu,
Missed me?
So, good news and bad news. I'll start with the bad news - no one's gonna get lynched today, seems like I've managed to convince Commission to postpone the punishment. Good news - we gonna' start doin' some stuff.
So, first of all, Sarti, eh? Ya' tick me off, but ya' learnin', how's the stuff goin' 'round here, so that's good. Also, good catch with the Kusarians. These fellas are slippery, we had little chit-chat outside of Orkney Gate in Tee-Three-One. Claimed to be gun-for-hires, but they notion was clearly glowy a bit, I am sure they're Kusarian spooks. Yet, they seem open to the dialogue, so I'll be workin' with them directly.
In short, plan for Kusari is very simple. Right now, we need to clear out the Tee-corridor, spefically, Tee-Two-Three. That's a direct connection with Kusari, so we'll need to hold this turf firmly. Right now, Maltese and their girlfriends from Golden Chrysa-somethin' are holdin' it tight, so plan's simple. We have some pieces down in Tee-Two-Three, those will be used for quick reaction and for pinnin' down. Wing in Tee-Three-Seven will be used for cuttin' off reinforcements and harrassin' Maltese supply chain, and wing in Tee-Three-One will be used as a reinforcement for Tee-Two-Three. Basically, clamp down on the cardi' run in Taus, I'll try to get Kusari spooks on our side to shaft Maltese scum hard. Quite possibly, that after this is done, they'll be more cooperative, and we'll have free pass to Kusari. Might need to get in touch with Hogosha as well, yet, I am not sure, what's the situation with cardi' is on their side. Maybe we can try to be a good samaritans, and replace cardi with Nox on their market. But for now, thats nothing more than just idea - so stick with the plan and be ready to blast off. Gonna' attach audio logs of conversation for future use here:
[11.11.2021 14:15:20] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Ah-h, messieurs, messieurs. Bonsoir.
[11.11.2021 14:15:28] =KUI=Chokuto: Konnichiwa.
[11.11.2021 14:15:29] UC/-Campionatore: Here is he, Blanqui - these people have assistet against an Outcast gunboat in Tau-23
[11.11.2021 14:15:32] UC/-Campionatore: Rather, I have assisted tgem
[11.11.2021 14:15:34] UC/-Campionatore: them rather
[11.11.2021 14:15:52] =KUI=Azuri: Konnichiwa
[11.11.2021 14:15:54] UC/-Campionatore: This is all we have discussed, I will let you explain what Corse is to them and our view of Kusarian people
[11.11.2021 14:16:18] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Yes-yes, now, be kind, and close your hatchway and let me deal with this.
[11.11.2021 14:16:25] UC/-Campionatore: Si
[11.11.2021 14:16:29] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Hope this slugger didn't cause any trouble? Sorry, if he did.
[11.11.2021 14:16:38] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Anyway! With whom am I having honour talking with?
[11.11.2021 14:16:43] =KUI=Azuri: Not really.
[11.11.2021 14:17:08] =KUI=Azuri: Azuri simply.
[11.11.2021 14:17:15] =KUI=Azuri: And you ?
[11.11.2021 14:17:41] =KUI=Chokuto: We're not allowed to disclose our names due to the protocol given to us. I'd simply be Chokuto.
[11.11.2021 14:17:46] UC/-Campionatore: we are red to Kusari police and navy and can't dock anywhere - they might be our way in
[11.11.2021 14:18:06] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Azuri, mhm-m? Like, Cote d'Azur? What a name! Im'ma Edouard Rene Blanqui, also known as Blanc-Rouge. I am Intermediraire of
[11.11.2021 14:18:14] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Corsican families, basically, mouthpiece of bosses.
[11.11.2021 14:18:40] =KUI=Chokuto: Hai, a pleasure to meet you.
[11.11.2021 14:18:47] =KUI=Chokuto: It seems like another guest has just arrived.
[11.11.2021 14:19:08] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Consider me... well, man who's in charge. And what a pleasure to me! Ya' know, I expected your people to eventually show up.
[11.11.2021 14:19:11] UC/-Campionatore: Saluti
[11.11.2021 14:19:16] {S}Flora': "Guest" is probably a bit of a misrepresentation of things.
[11.11.2021 14:19:57] =KUI=Chokuto: What else would you be? Not an acquaintance of the two gentlemen with us?
[11.11.2021 14:20:08] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Nuh-uh, first time seeing that fella'.
[11.11.2021 14:20:15] UC/-Campionatore: never had contact with Gaians afaik in this faction
[11.11.2021 14:20:34] {S}Flora': Nevermind.
[11.11.2021 14:20:39] {S}Flora': I'd rather not sour the mood.
[11.11.2021 14:20:42] {S}Flora': Did I interrupt?
[11.11.2021 14:20:57] =KUI=Azuri: Not really, You are welcome.
[11.11.2021 14:21:15] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: E-eh, let's say that- well, ye, welcome to our little tea party.
[11.11.2021 14:21:32] UC/-Campionatore: Si
[11.11.2021 14:22:21] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[11.11.2021 14:22:24] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Ngmh. Alright. So, let's be on a more serious note, ya' know. I might be very dull in interplanetary politics, but I do recogni
[11.11.2021 14:22:49] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: ze those I-F-Fs of yours, and I had heard some snippets about ya' people helpin' my sluggers. So, black-ops of sorts?
[11.11.2021 14:23:10] =KUI=Chokuto: Just mercenaries.
[11.11.2021 14:23:19] =KUI=Chokuto: Nothing fancy.
[11.11.2021 14:24:06] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Ye'? Well, hired guns always welcome. How's Kusari doin'? Heard Kyushu's havin' great weather this time of the year.
[11.11.2021 14:24:37] =KUI=Chokuto: Haven't been there in a while.
[11.11.2021 14:25:20] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: What 'bout you, 'Zuri?
[11.11.2021 14:25:29] =KUI=Chokuto: I recall I've asked you a question previously, Corsican.
[11.11.2021 14:25:38] UC/-Campionatore: Oui, they asked us who we are
[11.11.2021 14:25:47] UC/-Campionatore: I waited for you to answer Blanqui if you do not mind
[11.11.2021 14:25:51] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Ah-h... Now, that's a question for me, not for that fella.
[11.11.2021 14:26:00] Rules Tip: Pirates need to keep their demands reasonable. Cargo and Monetary demands that exceed the maximum profit of a trader are viewed as unreasonable. ''Empty'' traders are not excempt from piracy, but the demands asked from them should reflect this.
[11.11.2021 14:26:09] =KUI=Chokuto: I've asked you about your opinion on the people from Kusari.
[11.11.2021 14:26:20] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: You should have told me directly, not ping-pongin' 'round. We're Unione Corse, we're family of sorts. And Kusarians? Well, they
[11.11.2021 14:26:57] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: 're people, humans, like we are. So, we don't have any... global idea about Kusari. Yer' drinks are dull, food is strange, but
[11.11.2021 14:27:10] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: ya' got beautiful women, and that's all what matters to me.
[11.11.2021 14:27:28] =KUI=Chokuto: I'm not sure whether I should feel honored or offended.
[11.11.2021 14:27:56] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: He-he-he, ya' know, you should feel honoured, we, Corsicans, see the real beauty in things, we're not pompous wanna-be aristocr
[11.11.2021 14:28:02] =KUI=Azuri: What women ? The terrorist group ?
[11.11.2021 14:28:10] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: ats from New Paris or somethin'.
[11.11.2021 14:28:18] =KUI=Chokuto: Oh..right. Forgot about those already, Azuri.
[11.11.2021 14:28:25] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Terrorist group? Which?
[11.11.2021 14:28:28] =KUI=Chokuto: Are they beautiful though?
[11.11.2021 14:28:30] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Oh, wait-wait, those?
[11.11.2021 14:28:33] =KUI=Chokuto: The Chrysanthemum.
[11.11.2021 14:29:09] =KUI=Azuri: Beautiful ?
[11.11.2021 14:29:10] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Ave Maria, they're horrid. Crazy s*uts are inhalin' orange poison of theirs, and this s*it splices their DNA. I bet they got ta
[11.11.2021 14:29:12] =KUI=Azuri: No.
[11.11.2021 14:29:14] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: ils or somethin'.
[11.11.2021 14:30:04] =KUI=Chokuto: Can't say I've personally seen one that wasn't drawn out of their cockpit after I shot holes in it.
[11.11.2021 14:30:04] =KUI=Azuri: The Cardamine you mean ?
[11.11.2021 14:30:06] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: I am talkin' 'bout real women, those cute, hard-working, loyal and with their eyes, full of curiosity. Well, kinda'.
[11.11.2021 14:30:18] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Well, cardamine, ye'. Freaky stuff.
[11.11.2021 14:30:55] UC/-Campionatore: We have Catturatu their concoction, the Shige-a-kiki if I am not wrong after taking down their transports some time back
[11.11.2021 14:31:08] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Have I given you permission to speak?
[11.11.2021 14:31:22] UC/-Campionatore: Please, go ahead, I am sure you know all about it!
[11.11.2021 14:31:45] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Grazie.
[11.11.2021 14:32:05] =KUI=Azuri: Flora don't speak a lot.
[11.11.2021 14:32:06] =KUI=Chokuto: Poor guy. Glad our boss isn't as strict as you are, Corsican.
[11.11.2021 14:32:15] =KUI=Chokuto: Flora indeed hasn't said a word.
[11.11.2021 14:32:21] {S}Flora': I have nothing to add to this truly enlightening conversation.
[11.11.2021 14:32:35] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Kids are outta hands, lost generation. Need to teach them some manners. Anyway.
[11.11.2021 14:32:50] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Kusari. I, personally, don't have anythin' against you. Those flower girls?
[11.11.2021 14:32:59] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Aren't they firmly in bed with Maltese?
[11.11.2021 14:33:07] =KUI=Chokuto: That's what we think too.
[11.11.2021 14:33:23] {S}Flora': "Think"? Isn't it obvious enough?
[11.11.2021 14:33:24] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[11.11.2021 14:33:37] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: That's logical, they need stable stream of cardi', and that stuff should' be goin' through Taus.
[11.11.2021 14:34:10] =KUI=Chokuto: Obvious? The only thing that is obvious is that you shouldn't immediatly tell someone you've just met everything you know about
[11.11.2021 14:34:17] =KUI=Chokuto: a dangerous group of criminals, isn't that so?
[11.11.2021 14:34:33] =KUI=Chokuto: So yes. We *think*.
[11.11.2021 14:34:45] {S}Flora': ...right.
[11.11.2021 14:35:05] =KUI=Chokuto: Perfect!
[11.11.2021 14:35:16] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Ehe-he, I mean, trust and name-exchanges are one way to forge friendship, 'eh?
[11.11.2021 14:35:32] =KUI=Azuri: Maybe Flora can enlighten us.
[11.11.2021 14:35:51] {S}Flora': About?
[11.11.2021 14:35:52] =KUI=Chokuto: They are indeed. But would I empty my entire hand of playing cards immediatly? No, probably not.
[11.11.2021 14:36:08] =KUI=Chokuto: That's right, Azuri! About the Chrysanthemum of course, Flora.
[11.11.2021 14:36:15] =KUI=Chokuto: I totally forgot that we could just ask.
[11.11.2021 14:36:42] {S}Flora': I find it hard to believe I'd be able to contribute anything you don't already know.
[11.11.2021 14:36:50] {S}Flora': Excuse me, 'think'.
[11.11.2021 14:37:08] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Does context actually matter? I 'ean, they whole organization is just loyal w*orehouse of Maltese, that's not a news and not a
[11.11.2021 14:37:08] =KUI=Chokuto: Who knows.
[11.11.2021 14:37:10] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: secret.
[11.11.2021 14:37:38] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Even I, who whole my life lived underwater, knows about them.
[11.11.2021 14:37:41] {S}Flora': That's... Kind of my point, yeah.
[11.11.2021 14:37:45] =KUI=Chokuto: Seems like we're truly not doing good enough of a job to keep our criminals in check, Azuri.
[11.11.2021 14:37:49] =KUI=Chokuto: Even the Gauls seem to know.
[11.11.2021 14:37:58] =KUI=Chokuto: That's just horrible of us.
[11.11.2021 14:37:59] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Na-nah, Corsican.
[11.11.2021 14:38:01] {S}Flora': No purpose in pretending you just 'think' something when everyone and their mother knows about it.
[11.11.2021 14:38:08] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: And we know little bit more.
[11.11.2021 14:38:25] =KUI=Chokuto: Corsican, Gallic, isn't it pretty much the same? I'm not vell versed in geography.
[11.11.2021 14:38:49] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Neh. I mean, same sector, ye', but traditions, language and so on is totally different.
[11.11.2021 14:39:00] =KUI=Chokuto: I see.
[11.11.2021 14:39:09] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: We're loyal to ourselves as well, so don't be 'fraid to communicate with us.
[11.11.2021 14:39:15] =KUI=Azuri: Hmmm.... weird.
[11.11.2021 14:39:35] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: But ye', flower girls? Too bad, but they're on our hit list, because of their little love affair with Maltese. Hate to hurt wom
[11.11.2021 14:39:36] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: en.
[11.11.2021 14:39:54] {S}Flora': Such a gentleman.
[11.11.2021 14:40:02] =KUI=Azuri: affair ? like Cardamine ?
[11.11.2021 14:40:16] =KUI=Chokuto: *Sighs audibily* Well, looks like everyone truly knows about the Chrysanthemum.
[11.11.2021 14:40:31] =KUI=Chokuto: That's truly not good. I'm terribly sorry if they've caused you any inconveniences.
[11.11.2021 14:41:05] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Yie. Let's just say, there's several sides to why we truly hate Maltese, and cardamine is one of them.
[11.11.2021 14:41:43] =KUI=Chokuto: So they have in fact troubled you previously?
[11.11.2021 14:41:44] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: And, hey, Im'ma not a frequent visitor to Kusari, after that recent... uh... Are ya' okay with me talkin' bout recent war?
[11.11.2021 14:42:17] =KUI=Chokuto: My patriot heart is bleeding, but go on.
[11.11.2021 14:42:59] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Ehe-he. But, ye'. Anyway. My people didn't have that much troble with flowers, but that's a fact that as soon as we see each ot
[11.11.2021 14:43:18] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: her - we'll try to tear each others throats. By association from both sides.
[11.11.2021 14:43:41] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: They're Maltese pets, and Maltese are enroaching on our turf, so - we blast Maltese, Maltese pets blast us.
[11.11.2021 14:44:21] =KUI=Chokuto: That's terribly violent. Love it, though.
[11.11.2021 14:44:28] =KUI=Chokuto: I'd do the same, probably.
[11.11.2021 14:44:48] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: So, speakin' in a business-oriented language, as our interest in blastin' Maltese from Taus directly interferes with flowers in
[11.11.2021 14:45:00] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: terests - that means, flowers are also hinderance.
[11.11.2021 14:45:33] =KUI=Chokuto: Just a matter of putting a price tag on a terrorists head then?
[11.11.2021 14:45:44] =KUI=Chokuto: Kill them, but only if they are a nuisance in your business.
[11.11.2021 14:46:39] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Ah-ha. 'Kinda. That really depends, on what's flowers will be doing in Taus, though. I am unsure 'bout logistic routes of them,
[11.11.2021 14:46:43] =KUI=Chokuto: In any case. I'll have to depart for now, be safe.
[11.11.2021 14:46:57] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Alrighty. Azur', ya'll stay with us?
[11.11.2021 14:47:06] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: You, guys, are pleasure to talk with.
[11.11.2021 14:47:14] =KUI=Chokuto: Likewise.
[11.11.2021 14:47:47] =KUI=Azuri: Well....i have some thing to do.
[11.11.2021 14:47:51] Death: VonHessian suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[11.11.2021 14:48:01] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Before ya' go, is it okay if I get in touch with ya' via NeuralNet thing?
[11.11.2021 14:48:29] =KUI=Azuri: Well, you can.
[11.11.2021 14:48:41] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Since ya' callin' flowers terrorists, that means that ya' don't like them. So we can conduct some business, ya' know, fruitful
[11.11.2021 14:48:43] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: cooperation?
[11.11.2021 14:48:55] =KUI=Azuri: I am sure we will meet again.
[11.11.2021 14:48:59] =KUI=Azuri: Maybe.
[11.11.2021 14:49:38] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: That's right, now that's the spirit of conductin' biz'. Anyway, I have no rights to hinder you further. Grazie, grazie!
[11.11.2021 14:50:01] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: A bona ghjurnata, mon ami!
[11.11.2021 14:50:02] =KUI=Azuri: Have a good day Corsican.
Before I start explainin' 'bout recent chat with Gaian, Flora, I'll also address one of the last messages here. Acolyte, Sarti, right? What a silly name for a henchman. Those Insurgency-fellas you've met and had plans about? What a f*ckingly moronic idea. I've checked with locals, got some contacts, and what I saw and what I have been told - those Insurgency are bunch of local freaks, freedom fighters, just like our Maqi'. And I am sure, that these clowns have no access to any kind of under-the-table market of Liberty, so that's an useless endevaour, cut it short. Liberty are tolerating Corsicans, at least me, so let's not lose our clearance, visas and papers over stupid ideas, capiscia?
I hope that's clear. So, Flora, Gaians. Nice fella', gonna' get in touch with 'dem and I'll be outlinin' plans on Bretonia. Basically, from what I recollect, Brets' are pretty dry on substances and even Maltese are steering clear off, so it's either very f*cking bad there, or Maltese are just not able to diversify that much. So, I'll be workin' on Edinburgh Connection plan. We'll try to secure trade route to Bretonia through Edinburgh, and I'll be workin' with Gaians and other local less-desirable marginals there. Middlemen gonna' get a cut, but for now, that's a thing. Gonna drop logs of our chat with Gaian as well, but don't put your nose into this 'biz for now, I'll deal with it.
[11.11.2021 14:50:58] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: So, Flora, 'right?
[11.11.2021 14:51:07] {S}Flora': That's what it says, I hope?
[11.11.2021 14:51:29] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Ah-ha. Ya' just never know, is that a callsign, ship's name or are ya' actually named Flora.
[11.11.2021 14:51:49] {S}Flora': A little bit of both option one and option three.
[11.11.2021 14:52:10] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: I see, I see. So, ya' treehug-, ahem, I mean, ecologist, righto?
[11.11.2021 14:52:25] {S}Flora': Yup.
[11.11.2021 14:52:51] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Also heard some rumours 'bout your breed. Can't say, that I truly agree with your views, but, 'ey, Im'ma businessman.
[11.11.2021 14:53:02] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Not really up to ideology.
[11.11.2021 14:53:18] {S}Flora': I guess you are not from Amiens, then.
[11.11.2021 14:53:56] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Amiens? Nah-nah, Im'ma Corsican, not sumb*tch with blue blood. We're hailin' from Marseille.
[11.11.2021 14:54:12] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: But, I know, what you mean. Ye', Amiens nowadays is very... uh... musky.
[11.11.2021 14:54:39] {S}Flora': Are you implying Corse is... A nationality, of sorts?
[11.11.2021 14:54:54] {S}Flora': It's not exactly what I was told in my dealings with your predecessors.
[11.11.2021 14:55:37] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Yes. At least I am, pure breed, not a month from Marseilly dampy depths. And that's ve-e-ery long story, ehe-he.
[11.11.2021 14:55:41] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: For another time, 'course.
[11.11.2021 14:55:59] {S}Flora': Right.
[11.11.2021 14:56:05] {S}Flora': Well, I'm not going to argue.
[11.11.2021 14:56:23] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: No worries, we're suspicious breed. Anyway, ya' managed to clear off that green jewel of the planet?
[11.11.2021 14:56:36] {S}Flora': No, not yet.
[11.11.2021 14:56:41] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Not sure, how's called in your parts, we used to callin' it Bordeaux, m'bad.
[11.11.2021 14:56:42] {S}Flora': Your fellows left quite the mess there.
[11.11.2021 14:56:51] {S}Flora': It will take some time to clean it up properly.
[11.11.2021 14:57:27] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: This was, probably, stupidest idea monarchists had, but past is the fact, so can't do anythin' 'bout this. At least, it's a
[11.11.2021 14:57:38] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: free zone for all of sorts.
[11.11.2021 14:57:49] {S}Flora': Shame indeed.
[11.11.2021 14:58:10] {S}Flora': But it'll be dealt with in due time.
[11.11.2021 14:58:41] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Ah-ha. Hope's you not gonna close the orbital terminal? That's very useful and convenient place, good view as well.
[11.11.2021 14:59:11] {S}Flora': Personally? Blowing that thing out of the sky would be the first thing I'd do.
[11.11.2021 14:59:24] {S}Flora': But pestering it with torpedoes from a single bomber isn't going to do much.
[11.11.2021 14:59:28] {S}Flora': So an eyesore it'll stay.
[11.11.2021 15:00:24] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: At least towed lil' bit farther away, eh? It does have a good position, close to Brets', close to Gallic sector. I do have some
[11.11.2021 15:00:28] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: plans utilizing that route.
[11.11.2021 15:00:40] {S}Flora': Then hook up with the Providence crew.
[11.11.2021 15:01:03] {S}Flora': The planet's not for business. If you want to stay on our good side, at least.
[11.11.2021 15:01:08] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Providence? Neva' heard 'bout this.
[11.11.2021 15:01:18] {S}Flora': Then I guess they don't trust you lot yet.
[11.11.2021 15:01:41] {S}Flora': I'm sure you can ask around Halifax.
[11.11.2021 15:01:49] {S}Flora': Maybe they'll take you in
[11.11.2021 15:02:20] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Truth-truth. Ah, Halifax. Place stinks like my grandmas' crypt, but can't ask for much more. Thing with Halifax is that it's
[11.11.2021 15:02:48] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: little bit more on the 'on-the-screen' side, I feel. Edin' is a little bit more secluded.
[11.11.2021 15:03:51] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: But basically, need to take a better look, what's under-the-table market looks like in Brets'.
[11.11.2021 15:04:29] {S}Flora': It's not the easiest one to get into with no contacts, but good luck.
[11.11.2021 15:04:45] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Don't ya' worry, I have talent in forging friendships.
[11.11.2021 15:04:56] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: But, 'ey, what's your organization is nowadays?
[11.11.2021 15:05:01] {S}Flora': I've witnessed as much not so long ago.
[11.11.2021 15:05:12] {S}Flora': I'm not sure I understand?
[11.11.2021 15:05:49] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Well, last I heard 'bout Gaian movement, you were tearing into Brets' government throat. Have somethin' changed?
[11.11.2021 15:06:05] {S}Flora': No.
[11.11.2021 15:06:11] {S}Flora': All is as it used to be.
[11.11.2021 15:06:28] {S}Flora': The good old times, before your mad king came kicking down the door.
[11.11.2021 15:06:45] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Ah-ha. And what 'bout black market? If I go to New Londons' slums, what's movin' 'round nowadays?
[11.11.2021 15:07:12] {S}Flora': Guns, synth.
[11.11.2021 15:07:22] {S}Flora': Not much of a market for Cardamine as of late.
[11.11.2021 15:07:51] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Maltese are steerin' clear from Brets', huh? Interesting. I heard Junkers are holdin' strong grip on these kinds of things.
[11.11.2021 15:08:11] {S}Flora': If you want to sell to the impoverished masses, sure.
[11.11.2021 15:08:22] {S}Flora': If you want to hit the elite market, the Junkers aren't going to help you much.
[11.11.2021 15:09:07] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: So, vacuum is there, huh? Might be good to look 'round. Is it 'lright to call ya' people on NeuralNet, maybe, discuss these thi
[11.11.2021 15:09:15] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: ngs further? Maybe'll find common ground.
[11.11.2021 15:09:34] {S}Flora': No vacuum to speak of. Just not as much of a Junker monopoly as you'd expect from Liberty.
[11.11.2021 15:09:48] {S}Flora': Gotta make business with more than one party.
[11.11.2021 15:09:58] {S}Flora': And sure, call me up. Maybe we can work something beneficial for both sides.
[11.11.2021 15:10:33] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Now, that's just great. OH, DUH! I forgot to introduce myself, didn't I?
[11.11.2021 15:10:55] {S}Flora': I can read the ID code fine enough.
[11.11.2021 15:10:59] {S}Flora': But go ahead, if you're so inclined.
[11.11.2021 15:11:11] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Just pardon me for this. Name's Edouard Rene Blanqui, Rene for ya', mon ami.
[11.11.2021 15:11:28] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Workin' directly with Marseille families.
[11.11.2021 15:11:58] {S}Flora': Pleased to meet you, Rene. I go by the callsign, so you can just call me Flora.
[11.11.2021 15:12:35] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Flora, now that's now a real pleasure to meet ya'. I'll get in touch in you 'via NeuralNet, after I'll take a good look at the
[11.11.2021 15:12:37] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: spatial maps.
[11.11.2021 15:12:52] {S}Flora': I'll keep an eye out.
[11.11.2021 15:13:34] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Grazie-grazie. Anyway, I and that slugger will be movin' out, stale air in the cockpit makes me feel funny, want some of that
[11.11.2021 15:13:40] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Marseille processed air.
[11.11.2021 15:13:45] UC/-Campionatore: Avvedeci, Gaian!
[11.11.2021 15:13:51] {S}Flora': I'm not going to hold you.
[11.11.2021 15:13:55] {S}Flora': Goodbye, and take care.
[11.11.2021 15:14:02] UC/-Campionatore: Addiu vechju, sghignazza
[11.11.2021 15:14:03] UC/-Edouard.Blanqui: Bona ghjurnata, Flora, see you soon.
On other topics for today. Marseille will be workin' more directly with you people, so that means - you'll be gettin' budget and some legitimacy. Commission wants to diversify and to breathe free in Union, so that means - listen carefully to what they say. Don't touch local corpos'. Don't fine them, don't extort from them, don't touch them, or even breathe on them, or even look at them. Let Marseille families and Commission do their thing. You'll be their arm extension with a piece - and that piece is currently directed in the Sirians direction. Union's also feelin' mad about whole Sirian stuff, so if we pretend that we care about what Union wants and make it look like we're hurtin' Sirius - and that's not for kush but for ideals, then we'll be on a good side of Union. Marseille'll be able to expand their operations in Gallia, so you better f*cking care about that, because don't forget, who's your family.