A sigh could be heard from the audio, as the woman tried to indicate one more time about what it was already being told, in the most neutral way possible:
“As I have said before, they went to the western side of the system. We lost contact of them after they arrived to sector grid C4, both parties completely vanished from our long-range sensors and patrols.”
Before trying to end the conversation abruptly, she remembered something else:
“Ah, before I forgot…During the outburst in the bar, I remember that this Riquelme guy was having something that it was…glowing. At least from his pocket, a faint purple light. I guess nobody else noticed that in the chaotic confrontation. Do you think that he would be…?”
The officer held her claim, as she was not eager to deep down into such matters. After she gave a couple of seconds of silence, she politely tried to close the topic:
“That’s all for now. Now, por favor, could you leave this area? There are important shipments that should arrive soon and we need to have a clear space for docking procedures. Vuelen seguros.”