Alberto Cruz felt relieved. In his apparent negligence, Cruz thought that he was not made for any sort of discreet talk and because of it he was going to fail in this simple circumstance. Sweating less than usual, he lost several seconds reflecting about what has been told and the probabilities to find the Asesinos. Wondering why would Riquelme tried to fly further away, he tried to remember the rumors regarding the area of interest. Clouds are very dense and it could hide something much more than a couple of squads and a loose end. Before getting a viable conclusion to his views, Cruz noticed that the couple of Hyperspace members have already started their engines and flew to the relevant sector grid.
Without losing their track, he initiated the thrust and yelled:
“Wait for me, amigos!”
As Ruiz base was left behind, the trio started their journey into a hardly traveled place beyond the alien jump gate.