Juan just stared at the minefield in front of him. He had never seen anything as dense, not even the notorious omicron Mu field was as thick. If the men went in there, would the trio even be able to find them? It seemed unlikely at best.
"Cut your engines hermanos. Let's not go into the field before we can confirm they are in there."
Juan's stomach churned at the though of having to navigate through there. Normal minefields already made him dizzy. This though, was something else... He had a a bad feeling that something was in there, there would be no reason to build a minefield if there was not something to hide or protect.
"It's... it's almost magnificent. What could be in there, that they are looking to hide? Surely there is a reason for this, right? You... you don't think there is a hidden jump gate in there, do... you?"
Juan powered up his weapons, there was more to this than they thought. He heard voices in his head, like something was calling out to him. Worse yet, it was coming from inside the field.