Omicron Delta encounter. Encounted a freelancer and another indie of some description (I don't wholly recall). Myself and Bhahas failed to catch them unfortunately. Didn't do any incredible RP here.
Encounter with Frigate in Omicron Zeta. I tried. Sadly this guy just didn't want to talk, opted to run. Instantly fired upon me when I CD'd and got close. That secured his death. I didn't initially intend to kill the guy, I was hoping for an interaction to be honest.
I'll be honest, the ID, unlimited cloak and the ability to fly under the flag of the faction, with other members of the faction. I've been playing an indie for a little while now and I'd like to throw my lot in with you.
What interests you about Nomad Roleplay? How would you rate your current Nomad Roleplay skills?
Interest: Nomads are the original antagonists of the Freelancer campaign, they're an important part of the story of the Sirius sector and should continue to be. Historically, I was always against the idea of playing such a faction, however in recent times the idea has grown on me and I'm starting to enjoy their method of communication, something I desire to develop further.
RP Skills: My Nomad RP skills are adequate I would guess. I personally believe I need significant improvement before I could be considered good, I'd appreciate any pointers and assistance on discovering the 'best' format.
Are you happy to be ganked by factions like The Core, The Order and basically everyone else?
Already have been, will continue to do so. Fine by me.
Do you have future plans for your nomad ship?
I quite enjoy the idea of having my Nomad grow as time goes on, both in vessel scale and RP attitude. Starting or remaining as a snub doesn't bother me, I fly all classes of vessel. I've no big plans yet, besides my intent to strive to bring Nomad activity to every corner of Sirius where possible. Remind people that they're still here and that they're very much still a problem for Humanity.
What is your Discord?
When contending with a monster, you'd be wise to give the devil his due.