Nathaniel Ward
Deputy Chief of Defence Staff
Ministry of Defence
Kingdom of Bretonia
SUBJECT: The destruction of DSE|- bases Old Trafford and Planet Leeds S&R
Return of DSE|- assets
There have been no threats made, vague or otherwise Mr. Ward. If you feel uncomfortable from a direct line of questioning then perhaps it is because the truth is being fudged on this matter. The only threat noted is by your own hand.
The destruction was illegal. You disagree, but you tender no proof, Mr Ward. Where is your evidence? Trying to fob this serious incident off by simply stating it was legally done is poor form. It certainly does not match our information. We have ample evidence to disprove your stance on the matter.
I am informed by reliable sources within our Majesty's government that, at the maximum, only one or two people made the decision to bomb the hell out of our assets! That is not how I understand our Majesty's affairs of state are handled. Do you challenge this point Mr. Ward?
We also continue to wait for a response on this matter.