From: Kurt Weinbaum Source: Ithaca Base To: Black Hearts' Pirate Council Subject: Rogues and Regulations
'Sup, Kurt here.
Just gonna recount our latest trip into Liberty. Me and Maija were going to use a spot pointed out to me in California to refuel and continue on to Bretonia, but we encountered some Rogues. Fun bunch - I've met Mollys who were friendlier than these guys.
Anyway, the Rogues were more interested in giving us new kids on the block trouble than engaging in anything productive. Even brought out their cruisers - of Red Hessian make. Funny how being a Rheinlander is a point against you until you own a shipyard.
Had to feed them the line about wanting to do business together - didn't feel like discussing our goals with all the unknowns about. They laughed it off, but seemed to take it seriously enough. I don't actually think they're worth bothering with - they certainly seem territorial, and not particularly interested in helping us out. I ain't about to grovel in front of their boss for some recognition, either. Still, they let us go unimpeded, a rare courtesy these days.
Notify your crews that we'll steer clear of Liberty core space for now. It's a shame - but we do have to respect their territory if nothing else. We'll play this straight, see if they change their tune when we're a bit less of a mess and a bit more recognized. Then we'll reach out to 'em.
Kurt out.
PS: Met another one of those Technocrats today. Was apparently following us. Watch out for these guys - I have a bad feeling about them.
[24.12.2022 22:11:18] HRZ~Terpentin: Hello there.
[24.12.2022 22:11:21] A/)-Sybaris: Negative, checking on signal for XB check up --
[24.12.2022 22:11:29] A/)-Sybaris: Ah, green on radio contact.
[24.12.2022 22:11:32] A/)-Sybaris: Hailing vessels.
[24.12.2022 22:12:05] A/)-Sybaris: An unusual prefix.
[24.12.2022 22:12:25] HRZ~Terpentin: How do you mean?
[24.12.2022 22:12:37] A/)-Sybaris: Your callsigns aren't within the database.
[24.12.2022 22:12:56] HRZ~Kettu: 'Ey Kurt, we ain't known somewhere!
[24.12.2022 22:13:27] HRZ~Terpentin: Not to worry, Maija. That seems to be changing.
[24.12.2022 22:13:53] A/)-Sybaris: Word may travel fast, but sometimes rumors do not reach every end of sector that quickly.
[24.12.2022 22:14:07] HRZ~Kettu: Ain't you one of them Technocraps'm'peoples?
[24.12.2022 22:14:11] A/)-Sybaris: Who are the HRZ?
[24.12.2022 22:14:16] A/)-Sybaris: A Technocrat, affirm.
[24.12.2022 22:14:37] A/)-Sybaris: Your sighting had me puzzled, for it did not match any callsigns native to this area.
[24.12.2022 22:14:39] MNS-Amalfi: CO: Buonasera. What an unexpected meeting.
[24.12.2022 22:14:54] HRZ~Terpentin: We're the Black Hearts and we're not exactly native.
[24.12.2022 22:15:14] A/)-Sybaris: Estimating... Omegas?
[24.12.2022 22:16:25] HRZ~Terpentin: Hello again. Nice to see you in one piece.
[24.12.2022 22:16:45] HRZ~Terpentin: Omegas would be right, yeah.
[24.12.2022 22:17:08] A/)-Sybaris: Acknowledged, documenting it.
[24.12.2022 22:17:13] MNS-Amalfi: CO: It would take a lot of effort to split my vessel into multiple pieces.
[24.12.2022 22:17:23] A/)-Sybaris: An interesting theory, Maltese.
[24.12.2022 22:17:35] HRZ~Kettu: I've met one of ye before. Revenant was tha name.
[24.12.2022 22:17:45] HRZ~Terpentin: Yeah. Me too.
[24.12.2022 22:17:47] A/)-Sybaris: Peculiar. No recorded encounter is in database.
[24.12.2022 22:17:49] A/)-Sybaris: Are you certain?
[24.12.2022 22:17:52] MNS-Amalfi: CO: I would disregard them, they are alien servants.
[24.12.2022 22:17:59] HRZ~Kettu: How'd you ain't knowin' nothin' ?
[24.12.2022 22:18:11] A/)-Sybaris: It is protocol to document.
[24.12.2022 22:18:20] HRZ~Terpentin: What?!
[24.12.2022 22:18:26] HRZ~Kettu: Someone ain't doin' their job then are they?
[24.12.2022 22:18:30] A/)-Sybaris: A curious claim from the one who's people worshipped the Nomads.
[24.12.2022 22:18:35] HRZ~Kettu: What a shame.
[24.12.2022 22:18:36] HRZ~Terpentin: Alien servants? Are you sure?
[24.12.2022 22:18:47] HRZ~Terpentin: Hello, Rogue vessel.
[24.12.2022 22:18:48] A/)-Sybaris: It is mere fabrication.
[24.12.2022 22:18:51] [R]-Blackjack: Who in the fuck are you people?
[24.12.2022 22:19:01] MNS-Amalfi: CO: I can show a rather interesting footage taken of their leader, summoning an alien battleship.
[24.12.2022 22:19:02] A/)-Sybaris: Nor should you trust the word of an Outcast, who have historically openly worshipped the Nomads.
[24.12.2022 22:19:13] HRZ~Kettu: See, wus jus' me an' Kurt 'ere. Then it got real cosy 'n crowded.
[24.12.2022 22:19:30] [R]-Blackjack: Okay, the brain damaged one, ain't gonna' speak no more.
[24.12.2022 22:19:40] [R]-Blackjack: Kurt, is it?
[24.12.2022 22:19:44] HRZ~Terpentin: That's me.
[24.12.2022 22:19:52] [R]-Blackjack: Tell me who the fuck you two are.
[24.12.2022 22:20:02] HRZ~Terpentin: We're pirates.
[24.12.2022 22:20:03] Birdie.: hello
[24.12.2022 22:20:16] [R]-Blackjack: And you're on Rogue turf.
[24.12.2022 22:21:03] HRZ~Terpentin: That so? Didn't mean to intrude.
[24.12.2022 22:21:09] [R]-Blackjack: Really?
[24.12.2022 22:21:23] A/)-Sybaris: I was about to inquire that as I followed you; why were you en route to a Rogue facility?
[24.12.2022 22:21:23] [R]-Blackjack: So what's your biz in Liberty then, if you didn't mean to intrude?
[24.12.2022 22:21:58] HRZ~Terpentin: Wondered if we could do business together sometime, is all.
[24.12.2022 22:22:37] [R]-Blackjack: You're some brave upstarts ain't ya's.
[24.12.2022 22:23:27] Birdie.: pirates need money ?
[24.12.2022 22:23:29] [R]-Blackjack: Where'd you little shits stroll in on from anyway? 'Cause your mentally impaired friends ship screams custom job.
[24.12.2022 22:23:39] [R]-Blackjack: But you, you scream Rheinland.
[24.12.2022 22:24:31] HRZ~Terpentin: That's because I'm from Rheinland. That's usually where we operate.
[24.12.2022 22:25:09] [R]-Blackjack: So, Rheinlanders crossing the border and waltzing into California unannounced?
[24.12.2022 22:25:27] HRZ~Terpentin: We're having some trouble with the Corsairs infringing on our turf, so we're reaching out to... third parties for supplies.
[24.12.2022 22:25:30] HRZ~Kettu: Born on Freeport 2 meself, don't consider to be one of 'em if I'm honest.
[24.12.2022 22:25:51] A/)-Sybaris: You hailed from the Omegas, you have claimed territory there?
[24.12.2022 22:26:14] MNS-Amalfi: CO: What kind of help against the Corsairs do you need?
[24.12.2022 22:26:35] [R]-Blackjack: Why should I give a fuck about you and the Corsairs?
[24.12.2022 22:27:22] HRZ~Terpentin: Don't Corsairs have a gig in Liberty with their artifact smuggling?
[24.12.2022 22:27:43] A/)-Sybaris: Usually through independents, such as the Junkers.
[24.12.2022 22:27:52] MNS-Amalfi: CO: Fortunately, they have not venture in Liberty.
[24.12.2022 22:28:03] MNS-Amalfi: //* ventured
[24.12.2022 22:28:06] HRZ~Kettu: He's a point though Kurt. Good askin'. Ain't said you should be caring though. Jus' tellin' you who we are.
[24.12.2022 22:28:10] [R]-Poltergeist: D: Good evening.
[24.12.2022 22:28:31] [R]-Blackjack: What I'm hearing isn't exactly something that leans in your favour.
[24.12.2022 22:28:36] MNS-Amalfi: CO: Buonasera, Capitano - or as you would say - Good evening, Captain.
[24.12.2022 22:28:53] HRZ~Terpentin: Ah, I see you're keen on taking advantage of Rheinland black market yourself.
[24.12.2022 22:29:09] HRZ~Kettu: Ain't it? So yous sayin' there's no business up this way? Ain't no pirate in ye? The fabled Rogues of Liberty?
[24.12.2022 22:29:15] [R]-Poltergeist: D: I'm glad that you have eyes.
[24.12.2022 22:29:19] [R]-Poltergeist: D: For the time being.
[24.12.2022 22:29:21] HRZ~Kettu: Thought you'd be interested in some Omega piracy.
[24.12.2022 22:29:33] [R]-Blackjack: We don't piss where we don't belong.
[24.12.2022 22:29:46] [R]-Poltergeist: D: What exactly is the situation Blackjack?
[24.12.2022 22:29:48] [R]-Blackjack: A lesson you boys clearly haven't been taught.
[24.12.2022 22:29:53] HRZ~Kettu: Exactly, so hows you let us trawl through that shit trough eh?
[24.12.2022 22:29:59] [R]-Blackjack: Upstarts from Rheinland.
[24.12.2022 22:30:03] [R]-Poltergeist: D: As obvious as I think it is?
[24.12.2022 22:30:08] [R]-Blackjack: Getting close to finding out.
[24.12.2022 22:30:11] [R]-Poltergeist: D: Wouldn't mind a little nuance.
[24.12.2022 22:30:19] A/)-Sybaris: Xeno contact closing in.
[24.12.2022 22:30:34] [R]-Blackjack: He closes into a click, blast 'em, Dop.
[24.12.2022 22:30:49] XA-Scarlet: Hmpf.
[24.12.2022 22:30:50] [R]-Poltergeist: D: They wandered where they really shouldn't have.
[24.12.2022 22:30:51] MNS-Amalfi: CO: An interesting meeting indeed.
[24.12.2022 22:30:58] [R]-Blackjack: Enough bullshit on hand for the moment.
[24.12.2022 22:31:13] HRZ~Kettu: Not what I had in mind, Kurt.
[24.12.2022 22:31:18] XA-Scarlet: Bunch of rats scurrying together.
[24.12.2022 22:31:26] HRZ~Terpentin: I know, but this is their choice and not our fault.
[24.12.2022 22:31:38] HRZ~Kettu: Ain't it ever?
[24.12.2022 22:31:39] [R]-Blackjack: Yeah, 'cause your hands are so damn clean.
[24.12.2022 22:31:46] [R]-Poltergeist: D: That's the best you can come up with.
[24.12.2022 22:31:46] [R]-Blackjack: Now, upstarts.
[24.12.2022 22:31:50] HRZ~Terpentin: 'Sup.
[24.12.2022 22:31:59] [R]-Blackjack: You've no damn idea how lucky you are it's me here.
[24.12.2022 22:32:07] HRZ~Terpentin: Sure.
[24.12.2022 22:32:27] [R]-Blackjack: Now, as far as I'm aware they haven't hit anything on our turf, correct, technofreak?
[24.12.2022 22:32:35] [R]-Poltergeist: D: You are. I know how the others start out with the welcome.
[24.12.2022 22:32:48] A/)-Sybaris: We have had no visual contact with HRZ group in Liberty.
[24.12.2022 22:32:57] Death: CaucasianProdigy suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[24.12.2022 22:32:57] A/)-Sybaris: They claimed to have met one of ours within the Omegas. It is not on record.
[24.12.2022 22:33:01] [R]-Blackjack: You said you followed them, correct?
[24.12.2022 22:33:06] A/)-Sybaris: Correct. From Hudson.
[24.12.2022 22:33:20] [R]-Blackjack: And they didn't hit anything?
[24.12.2022 22:33:28] MNS-Amalfi: CO: Xeno, could you eliminate the Technocrat, per favore?
[24.12.2022 22:33:30] A/)-Sybaris: Negative, their bearing was straight to California.
[24.12.2022 22:33:35] [R]-Blackjack: Excellent.
[24.12.2022 22:33:45] [R]-Blackjack: That's good.
[24.12.2022 22:33:55] [R]-Poltergeist: D: Don't make this more complicated than it needs to be, Outcast.
[24.12.2022 22:33:56] A/)-Sybaris: Curious. The Xenos obey the Amalfi?
[24.12.2022 22:33:57] [R]-Blackjack: Right, here's how this plays upstarts.
[24.12.2022 22:33:59] HRZ~Terpentin: Good to know the Techno boys are excellent songbirds, too.
[24.12.2022 22:34:17] A/)-Sybaris: Regional security is a necessity to understand. There is no point in lying.
[24.12.2022 22:34:23] HRZ~Kettu: Wonder if it plays music too?
[24.12.2022 22:34:24] MNS-Amalfi: CO: The Technocrats are interfering with our trade.
[24.12.2022 22:34:33] A/)-Sybaris: Intriguing.
[24.12.2022 22:34:45] 2022-12-24 22:34:42 SMT Traffic control alert: Birdie. has requested to dock
[24.12.2022 22:34:47] [R]-Poltergeist: D: We are doing the questioning here at the moment.
[24.12.2022 22:34:54] [R]-Blackjack: You boys are gonna' go back home cross the border, and if you want to do biz, you use the neural net,
[24.12.2022 22:34:54] XA-Scarlet: Wouldn't be much of a challenge, but the dogs are showing teeth.
[24.12.2022 22:34:59] [R]-Poltergeist: D: I can't exactly talk to the dead.
[24.12.2022 22:35:04] [R]-Blackjack: and you talk to a pack leader, you following?
[24.12.2022 22:35:31] HRZ~Terpentin: Reasonable.
[24.12.2022 22:35:36] [R]-Blackjack: What you don't do, is stroll on in all unannounced, and then expect to be given the red carpet.
[24.12.2022 22:35:51] XA-Scarlet: Don't worry, I'll see you soon.
[24.12.2022 22:35:51] [R]-Blackjack: Now.
[24.12.2022 22:35:53] XA-Scarlet: Dogs.
[24.12.2022 22:35:54] [R]-Blackjack: Go.
[24.12.2022 22:36:00] HRZ~Terpentin: See you around.
[24.12.2022 22:36:05] [R]-Blackjack: Hiss away, Xeno.
[24.12.2022 22:36:11] HRZ~Kettu: Good huntin'.
[24.12.2022 22:36:12] HRZ~Terpentin: Was nice to meet you, Fiorella.
[24.12.2022 22:36:15] XA-Scarlet: [Smirks]
[24.12.2022 22:36:16] MNS-Amalfi: CO:
[24.12.2022 22:36:28] MNS-Amalfi: CO: Arrivederci, Signor Kurt.
[24.12.2022 22:37:02] [R]-Blackjack: You need something, De Marco?