To: Robert Menzies From:Scarborough Station - Newcastle / Bretonia Topic: Recruitment. Date:16/01/830 A.S.
Greetings Mr. Menzies
Your resume has been viewed and carefully analyzed. We are sorry that you find the DSE, respected company, and Baf the way you described. In the meantime, feel good along with us here at Bowex. His search for a respected company with simple rules and practices came to an end. You're hired. Of course, Bowex can be a little different, so as you can see, we have some trained staff to offer you in the healthy environment. However, if you think that these company changes do not affect the way you work, feel free to inform us about your projects, which we will be happy to analyze if they are viable. Once you accept this, you can start your work immediately. Report to Scarbourough to sign your work permit, withdraw your credentials and uniforms in our office.