From: Abandoned Reason, Captain Source: Abandoned Reason To: All Die Schwarzen Herzen Subject: Systems Online, Drive Tests Complete
Systems Report, Abandoned Reason.
Die Schwarzen Herzen, This is the Captain speaking. As of some days ago, the Abandoned Reason conducted a refit with the aid of Junker contractors at Vieques Shipyard. For those present for operations testing, forgive the day on this report. Systems required repair and final adjustment before the Command Staff felt matters were completed.
With the aid of the Junkers technical staff, the Abandoned Reason has at long last been brought within acceptable operational parameters. All drive systems are functioning within specifications, and docking bay malfunctions have been reduced - for the moment - to an acceptable minimum.
Following the systems refit and initial testing, the Abandoned Reason and a supporting flight of strikes craft - Callsigns Terpentin,Roadkill,Dragonfly,Big Shot, and Ehrenwert
- conducted longer duty stress testing of the new systems, navigating several of the quiet areas of Sirius, including navigational hazards and some scans of long since discarded facilities for salvage operations.
Following these trials, i can report in full that all systems are functional to the capacity that i am willing to commit the Abandoned Reason to frontal operations, instead of reserve base duty.
Multiple small scale systems failures occurred in the course of systems stress testing, however engineering staff reports that hull fractures have been patched up with salvaged plating, and all turret armaments should function at expected levels in the case of a combat scenario, additional, fuel systems and faulty engine components have been replaced courtesy of third party deliveries to Ithaca base.
As of this moment, the Abandoned Reason is in full service, and prepared for operations across the Sirius Sector.
There is nowhere Die Schwarzen Herzen cannot reach, should the organisations Command feel it neccessary.
All Die Schwarzen Herzen, switch to Sequence 4 on your physical code sheets. Attempted communication with the Abandoned Reason under the prior code sequence will not be acknowledged and the Reasons precise location will not be given.
As before, should you misplace your code sheet, await pickup at Ithaca base, and be ready to buy a drink for whoever must divert to take you to the Abandoned Reason.
The crew and myself would like to once again convey our thanks to the Junker Marauders for their aid in securing the capability for this refit, as well as certain Corporate friendships the council have found agreeable for providing the equipment necessary, and remind all flights that the agreement stands with the aforementioned Corporate entity that their vessels are not subject to piracy for approximately the next one year.
Failure to comply with this agreement will result in the temporary confiscation of your craft and mandatory low level service duty aboard the Abandoned Reason - Assuming the Command Staff do not simply eject you from our ranks.
Logistics Addendum;
Stores of Hull Plating for repair are within acceptable levels for the time being.
Small Arms and Munitions for boarding parties and ship defence are down to 18%, with an influx of new recruits having consumed much of the prior stockpile, more will be required in short order.
The Bar aboard the Abandoned Reason is flush with Rum, courtesy of Third Party suppliers, and shall be for some time.
Fresh Food Stores are down to 45%, however reserve stockpiles are flush with allotted storage capacity.