(06-03-2023, 09:44 PM)LuckyOne Wrote: Alright, this went as well as the current gameplay limitations can allow it.
The things I would have changed, if I were organising the event:
- when the main Nomad Titan NPC appeared, make the kills no longer count until it is destroyed
and / or
- if the players fail to destroy the main Nomad NPC, only partial rewards will be handed out
- make the kills outside the designated event area not count for the score (though I don't think this is possible without further changes to the plugin)
The goal would be to keep the inRP behaviour of the players as true to the in-game lore as possible, though it was kind of fun to see who are the players who are only there for the pewing, and not for the Story.
Otherwise, thanks to The First Armada for organising the event. Apart from some light-hearted semi-trolling RP it seems the event can be deemed a success. Looking forward to more events from your squad!
This was a good test for any official events staff wants to run - the chaos of Omicron Nu where you don't know who does what was the premise - these are certainly very good pointers, this format hasn't been tried before as far as we know, maybe whoever will try it in the future can perfect it, it certainly won't be us, at least not in the next year(s) to come !
We will focus on much smaller-scale niche unique events and casual raids with added forum RP fluff in the foreseeable future.