(06-12-2023, 05:54 PM)Czechmate Wrote: In PvP Respawn events you need to think of the event design that attempts to predict/balance the sides if possible generally.
Since this will be mostly PvE It's not needed, however.
And every ID specific event you get the question asked "Why not this ID" - so no, it's not obvious, people like events and like to come on existing ships hah. Pennsylvania wasn't an issue - it was restricted but still had good attendance (even tho a few other IDs snuck in in the chaos)
There is a very, very obvious difference inRP between individual people coming to events on X faction, it makes perfect sense for a random Xeno flying through colorado to appear for example, that's entirely realistic, and organising mass logs that make no inRP sense such as you say you've been organising since frankly massive outcast fleets appearing in New York is already silly from an RP stance, let alone coincidentally at the *exact* same time as Nomads. Also nothing about pvp respawn events is balanced, if they were balanced they wouldn't be respawn events, nor do I think balance is important for them since it's purely fun pew pew event or for spectacle like the penny event.