The recorder clicks on and Rachel exhales quietly.
"Well, I really just don't learn."
She chuckles.
"For three years now, I've been back in Active Service with the First Fleet, I was even there to help in the final days of the campaign against the Hellfire Legion and the rest of those insurgent traitors, thank god that's over. Afterwards, Alan Jones himself even promoted me back to the Admiralty -- but wait it gets even better!"
The amusement in Rachel's voice was practically audible, and anyone listening to the log might've pictured her with her hands out in front of her while she explained.
"They put me in charge of the fucking ESRD! You know, the Division I created because I didn't even trust myself, back when I was Fleet Admiral? Ahahaha...but what was I gonna do, say no? No better place to be if I want a chance to actually stop what's out there, what's coming...but I really can't talk about that here."
She let out a sigh as she sat down and sank into the leather couch next to her bunk.
"But, you's actually been really good being back with the First Fleet, and I think I'm actually even making friends, something I could barely do before...mnh, it's been really nice, actually. One girl even kinda reminds me of myself, or well, who I used to be back in the day."
""Anyway...think that's all." The recorder clicks off abruptly.