I disagree with trying to get Doc Holiday to rename his character. At this moment I have a character named Stoner Steve Squigs, which in itself is stolen from a web comic series, but I used a different image to represent the character, so is this now not allowed? Along the same thought process, I routinely use Warhammer 40k photos to represent my characters, is this also a violation of the rules?
The marker of "Unique" and "Original" is a tough one to meet/follow especially given how many people exist in general. Even something as unique as my first, middle, and last name. In my own country, has well over 10,000 people who share my "unique" name. There has to be an expectation of overlap. I don't hear the name Doc Holiday ingame and think of a gun slinging fighter from a black and white movie series. I think of Doctor Holiday, a medical professional and part time ambassador.