The Brothehood has freshly reworked on the application format for future candidates who wish to join one of the oldest group of corsair within the empire.
Do you want to fight for glory and honor? Do want to enrich yourself by smuggling artifacts and xeno relics? Or do you want to make a difference and fight for a better future for our kin? If you have an answer to one of these questions, you are more than welcome within The Brotherhood.
The template below is to be used before joining:
Name: [color=#B3AFA9](here)[/color]
Age: [color=#B3AFA9](here)[/color]
Region from the empire: [color=#B3AFA9](here)[/color]
Why do you want to join?: [color=#B3AFA9](here)[/color]
What are capacities and what do you want to bring to the empire?: [color=#B3AFA9](here)[/color]