*ponders what would happen if he tried to base the entire LR fleet out of Buffalo*
i would consider bombers to be freighter sized crafts and they should be able to dock anywhere. we can all agree that some ships in-game aren't to scale
' Wrote:Myself for example - The only hogosha bases in the mod are the small-style stations, which my gunboat would end up unable to dock at. Likewise, hogosha can use up to battleship class vessels - so what if I chose a cruiser or Battleship as my faction flagship? I'd be unable to dock with any of my own faction's bases.
some things may need to be adjusted, in my opinion (which never seems to match anyone elses) certain factions that can use capships, shouldn't. i.e. hogosha, junkers...
but if you were to want a battleship for a base then it would need to be resupplied by support craft. unless you were able to get friendly enough with an ally to use their shipyards