First chat log: [24.02.2024 01:49:05] Nabucodonosor: (wonderment)***darklings...are sensed tainting the sea of stars***
[24.02.2024 01:50:03] Nabucodonosor: (discomfort)***~their metal shells disrupt the flow of space~...
[24.02.2024 01:50:24] Nabucodonosor: (resolve)***we will cleanse the darkness in this system***
[24.02.2024 01:50:54] A bounty of $200 credits has been deposited into your account.
[24.02.2024 01:51:09] Nabucodonosor: (resolve)***Darklings closing, to their doom***
[24.02.2024 01:51:13] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Albert: What the hell?
[24.02.2024 01:51:46] A bounty of $400 credits has been deposited into your account.
[24.02.2024 01:52:01] Nabucodonosor: (determination) ***the light will burn all***
[24.02.2024 01:52:17] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Albert: Turn on the engines!
[24.02.2024 01:52:52] Nabucodonosor: ***(amusement) ~puny...~human thinks can run from us~...~he will be our slave~...~soon~...***
[24.02.2024 01:53:24] Nabucodonosor: (determination) *** we will purge them of their misery***
[24.02.2024 01:53:42] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Albert: I can still hear them when they are not close..
[24.02.2024 01:53:58] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: Rishin: Yeah, they have a knack for that
[24.02.2024 01:53:59] Rules Tip: If you die to a player/players, you must not only leave and not re-enter the system you died in for one hour, but you must also not attack the players you died to for one hour on ANY of your characters.
[24.02.2024 01:53:59] Nabucodonosor: (resolve) *** ~more join their destruction~...~we shall end them~***
[24.02.2024 01:54:09] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: Get out of here while you can
[24.02.2024 01:54:47] Nabucodonosor: ***(amusement) the ones~...~who dissonantly refer to themselves as the order~...~will feel our wrath~***
[24.02.2024 01:55:12] Nabucodonosor: (purge)***their base will burn***
[24.02.2024 01:55:22] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: Rishin: Begone Demon!
[24.02.2024 01:55:31] Nabucodonosor: (determination)*** light shall cleanse them***
Second Log: [24.02.2024 03:46:35] Nabucodonosor: (aware)***~darkness~...~echoes in the waters~...~must eliminate the dim screams of the humans' minds~***
[24.02.2024 03:46:49] Nabucodonosor: we will go to theta
[24.02.2024 03:47:01] Nabucodonosor: when you see their ships
[24.02.2024 03:47:05] Nabucodonosor: rp them with infected
[24.02.2024 03:47:06] Hermann.Jung: CD
[24.02.2024 03:47:10] Hermann.Jung: Oh, kk
[24.02.2024 03:47:13] Nabucodonosor: also cd ofc
[24.02.2024 03:47:26] Hermann.Jung: Do you have a preference on how I should RP?
[24.02.2024 03:47:45] Hermann.Jung: I usually RP someone that tries to talk but can't and is fully under nomad control
[24.02.2024 03:47:56] Hermann.Jung: so nonsensical, but when attacking, clear and clinical RP
[24.02.2024 03:48:31] Nabucodonosor: (fury)***~man will be~...~uprooted~...~from our home~***
[24.02.2024 03:48:55] Nabucodonosor: let's attack nauru
[24.02.2024 03:49:35] Hermann.Jung: sorry
[24.02.2024 03:49:37] Nabucodonosor: np
[24.02.2024 03:50:01] Hermann.Jung: NPCs are strong
[24.02.2024 03:50:03] A bounty of $320 credits has been deposited into your account.
[24.02.2024 03:50:07] Nabucodonosor: stay behind me
[24.02.2024 03:50:14] A bounty of $320 credits has been deposited into your account.
[24.02.2024 03:50:38] Hermann.Jung: Join us in this neverending cycle of nightmares and dreams... Join the dreamscape built by our benefactors...
[24.02.2024 03:51:08] Hermann.Jung: Everyone will soon join this merry-go-round, and finally learn what it is to truly be human.
[24.02.2024 03:51:18] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: R: Identify yourself, unkown vessel
[24.02.2024 03:51:48] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: Andre: You speak in riddles good sir, identify yourself.
[24.02.2024 03:51:52] Nabucodonosor: (rage)***~the screeches from the darklings' minds known as the core insult the memory of our masters~...~purged they'll be**
[24.02.2024 03:51:54] Hermann.Jung: I am the bringer of good news, the bringer of knowledge to mankind... I bring the humanity to mankind...
[24.02.2024 03:52:33] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: You'll bring death to all of mankind if you are what i think you are, infected scum
[24.02.2024 03:52:34] Nabucodonosor: ***(conservation)~our song will not be polluted~***
[24.02.2024 03:52:37] Hermann.Jung: You sir, have lost your humanity. You never had it to begin with... Now, you can join humanity with us...
[24.02.2024 03:53:07] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: Enough of this chit chat. Let's see how you backup your claims
[24.02.2024 03:53:09] A bounty of $320 credits has been deposited into your account.
[24.02.2024 03:53:09] Hermann.Jung: Infected? You are the ones who are infected to my eyes. All I see is people pretending to be human while trampling on the-
[24.02.2024 03:53:15] Hermann.Jung: Paradise built for everyone.
[24.02.2024 03:53:46] Hermann.Jung: How sad! Hear! Hear! They do not want to be saved!
[24.02.2024 03:54:01] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: Amigo, you are either out of your mind or in league with alien forces, either way, please steer clear of our ship.
[24.02.2024 03:54:05] Hermann.Jung: Who are you to refuse salvation?
[24.02.2024 03:54:23] Nabucodonosor: (belittlement) ***~many~...~of the humans who embraced more than what you know as the houses~...~have experienced ascension***
[24.02.2024 03:54:39] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: I am a man, and a member of the ventru tribe, who are you to deny my humanity?
[24.02.2024 03:54:41] Hermann.Jung: I am guided by divinity, I will not steer clear of whoever I can bring the good news to.
[24.02.2024 03:54:47] Nabucodonosor: ***~since they followed the light~***
[24.02.2024 03:54:57] Hermann.Jung: The light has brought me peace. You have to be saved.
[24.02.2024 03:55:03] Hermann.Jung: You have to become a human.
[24.02.2024 03:55:05] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: Corsair vessel, are you in contact with the crazy one
[24.02.2024 03:55:20] Hermann.Jung: oops
[24.02.2024 03:55:35] Tip: The ''Laws of Sirius'', are a collection of in-roleplay laws for each house. They mention things such as contraband, punishments and fines and are enforceable by lawful IDed ships.
[24.02.2024 03:56:13] Order|CV-Montana: C: I pitty the poor soul you have clawed your way into Alian. You little act does not fool us.
[24.02.2024 03:56:14] Nabucodonosor: ***(empathy) ~listen to your brothers~...~the outcasts~...~they know what our power and brightness~...~offers them~.***
[24.02.2024 03:56:15] Hermann.Jung: Corsair, hah! The ones who abandoned their humanity before everyone else!
[24.02.2024 03:56:17] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: We are not yet, we will inform you of any developmentsa
[24.02.2024 03:56:33] Hermann.Jung: The ones who tasted the flesh of another child of man... How sad to see someone give up their humanity before the rest...
[24.02.2024 03:56:40] Nabucodonosor: (empathy)***~embrace the light~...~while you can~***
[24.02.2024 03:56:51] Hermann.Jung: You can still be saved... You can still be redeemed.
[24.02.2024 03:56:52] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: My friend, infested or no, of which make no mistake, I believe you are, you have just signed a death warrent
[24.02.2024 03:57:13] Hermann.Jung: Be not afraid! We are bringers of the good news! You can still be saved!
[24.02.2024 03:57:15] A bounty of $320 credits has been deposited into your account.
[24.02.2024 03:57:22] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: Save us all some trouble and fly into the sun, scum.
[24.02.2024 03:58:24] Hermann.Jung: I can't do this anym... Be saved! You can be saved! Noo? I can't... I can be saved? I can't be saved? How...? Save me!
[24.02.2024 03:58:40] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: R: He's losing it
[24.02.2024 03:58:51] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: R: Scratch that, he lost it long ago
[24.02.2024 03:59:19] Order|CV-Montana: C: he was lost the moment the xenos got their hands on him. Only death can release him now
[24.02.2024 03:59:25] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: The infested truly are a blight upon humanity's record... Alas, there can be no mercy for a disese
[24.02.2024 03:59:27] Nabucodonosor: (power) ***~the empty shells~...~screech out of their metal husks for gratification~...~while they will lie in destruction**
[24.02.2024 03:59:32] Hermann.Jung: I bring the good news! No, don't listen to... Bring, the, good, news. BE SAVED! Come to us!
[24.02.2024 04:00:38] Hermann.Jung: Ye lot, who yearn for a purpose for life! Ye lot, who keep asking, why am I alive; here is your answer!
[24.02.2024 04:00:48] Nabucodonosor: (care)***~our voice in the choir of light~...~be not dimmed by the humans~...~you are a shining example of our gift
[24.02.2024 04:00:55] Nabucodonosor: to humanity~***
[24.02.2024 04:00:57] [OOC] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: btw i forgot to give you your bonus helping for that cruiser mission. I'll do that now
[24.02.2024 04:01:07] Hermann.Jung: Thy life is sacred; join us. Thy life is perfect. Join our choir in the heavenly sky.
[24.02.2024 04:01:08] [2024-02-24] 04:01:09 You have received 150.000 credits from |>R<|RCV-Zisa
[24.02.2024 04:01:12] Nabucodonosor: eh ty
[24.02.2024 04:01:18] Nabucodonosor: i hope you are not mad
[24.02.2024 04:01:27] Nabucodonosor: i like to rp in lots of flavours lol
[24.02.2024 04:01:31] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: XD no of course not. just didnt want to forget
[24.02.2024 04:01:38] Hermann.Jung: should we go down to nauru? do you see any?
[24.02.2024 04:01:42] Nabucodonosor: we cleaned some core for your
[24.02.2024 04:01:46] Hermann.Jung: maybe we should go to FP11?
[24.02.2024 04:01:49] Order|CV-Montana: C: Grow tried of them
[24.02.2024 04:02:05] Hermann.Jung: See, how sad it is to refuse the light of the divine!
[24.02.2024 04:02:06] Nabucodonosor: hi, where are you, planning to join us in destroying the order?
[24.02.2024 04:02:16] Vagrant.Psyche: nah, sorry, doing an rp xd
[24.02.2024 04:02:20] Nabucodonosor: n
[24.02.2024 04:02:31] Hermann.Jung: n indeed
[24.02.2024 04:02:33] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: Come to this ship, and embrace the "light of the divine" yourself
[24.02.2024 04:02:52] Hermann.Jung: my engine kill doesnt work for some reason
[24.02.2024 04:03:05] Nabucodonosor: (hopefulness) ***~they~...~will learn to embrace the light of the k'vosh~...~in their full strength's return~***
[24.02.2024 04:03:10] Hermann.Jung: ah there it is
[24.02.2024 04:03:13] Hermann.Jung: works again
[24.02.2024 04:03:33] Nabucodonosor: where are you
[24.02.2024 04:03:33] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: But you wont, your means are as comon as they are predictable, you hide and skulk in unseen coners-
[24.02.2024 04:03:34] Hermann.Jung: Hear! Hear! One of the divine's prophet! Can you hear them? Listen to them!
[24.02.2024 04:03:38] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: R: I'll give you something to embrace
[24.02.2024 04:03:56] Hermann.Jung: You cannot give what you don't have. You don't have the light of the divine to guide you, nor to give.
[24.02.2024 04:03:58] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: R: Utter nonsense is all i hear
[24.02.2024 04:04:08] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: Hurling nonsense like every other race, nation, tribe and species in sirius
[24.02.2024 04:04:20] Hermann.Jung: we're probably gonna die
[24.02.2024 04:04:24] [OOC] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: by the freeport
[24.02.2024 04:04:40] Nabucodonosor: (amusement) ***~the fear in their minds~...~it is a delight and pleasure to our song~...~adds a joyous texture~...~to our choir
[24.02.2024 04:04:47] Nabucodonosor: and its light***
[24.02.2024 04:05:35] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: R: Why dont you come out from where you're hiding and show me the light then?
[24.02.2024 04:05:36] Nabucodonosor: ***(decisiveness)~darklings must cross to the light~...~for if they won't~...~light will bring them to us~***
[24.02.2024 04:05:59] Hermann.Jung: Come and join our Heavenly Choir... Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join and sing, sing the praise of our benefactors!
[24.02.2024 04:06:09] Nabucodonosor: (excitement)***~are you ready to receive the light?~***
[24.02.2024 04:06:11] Hermann.Jung: Sing the praise of the light! The divine light which will bring humanity to man!
[24.02.2024 04:06:23] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: R: Oh im ready alright.
[24.02.2024 04:06:34] Nabucodonosor: we will go to reincarnation
[24.02.2024 04:06:41] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: R: Give me a taste of what im missing
[24.02.2024 04:06:43] Hermann.Jung: gotcha
[24.02.2024 04:07:16] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: Choir?!? You flatter yourself calling your pathetic ramblings the works of a choir
[24.02.2024 04:07:46] Hermann.Jung: We bring the Heavens back to mankind, the one you have abandoned once you have soiled this paradise.
[24.02.2024 04:07:46] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: R: I grow impatient. I want to feel the divine glory already!
[24.02.2024 04:07:46] Nabucodonosor: (happiness)***~the convolution of core's dissonant vision has been shattered~...~more humans to be brought to the light~***
[24.02.2024 04:07:47] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: Come to us and e,brace merciful non-being, it is all that is left fr you amigo
[24.02.2024 04:08:03] [OOC] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: E4 now
[24.02.2024 04:08:21] [OOC] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: about to be F 4/5ish
[24.02.2024 04:09:04] Nabucodonosor: (hope)***~the corsairs seem to embrace the light~...~our song will revell them in our carress~***
[24.02.2024 04:09:25] Hermann.Jung: Yes! That is what we want to hear! We will bring the heavenly choir to you!
[24.02.2024 04:09:31] [OOC] Nabucodonosor: by reincarnation 1vs1
[24.02.2024 04:09:43] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: Yeah I wont gank here
[24.02.2024 04:09:54] Nabucodonosor: will come to your position
[24.02.2024 04:10:09] [OOC] Nabucodonosor: meet in 5f?
[24.02.2024 04:10:18] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: sure
[24.02.2024 04:11:02] Nabucodonosor: (hope) ***~our ray of light~...~radiate the bright moment that'll dawn upon us~...~we sense a crew of corsairs~...~coming~
[24.02.2024 04:11:11] Nabucodonosor: ~to embrace~...~the light~***
[24.02.2024 04:11:26] Nabucodonosor: get to 5k from me and divine shield
[24.02.2024 04:11:35] Nabucodonosor: meet in 5f?
[24.02.2024 04:11:43] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: We are OMW
[24.02.2024 04:11:58] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: actually we are here dead center of f4
[24.02.2024 04:12:03] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: *f5
[24.02.2024 04:12:17] [OOC] Nabucodonosor: sure, 1vs1
[24.02.2024 04:12:26] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: R: There they are! My saviors!
[24.02.2024 04:12:26] [OOC] Nabucodonosor: the wild guy is in a snub
[24.02.2024 04:12:30] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: Andre: Commander, Our long-range scanners have picked up enemy forces at a distance of 10K
[24.02.2024 04:12:40] 2024-02-24 04:12:40 SMT : Hermann.Jung is attempting to disconnect from the server
[24.02.2024 04:12:47] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: Finally! All crew to battlestations!
[24.02.2024 04:13:14] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: R: Join us in a dance, my new found friends!
[24.02.2024 04:13:30] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: Andre, set course for the left of the Zisa, we wil provide fire support if needed
[24.02.2024 04:13:34] Nabucodonosor: (extatic)***~more voices to join the light~...~the seas will rejoice today~...~and the shells melt in their sweep~***
[24.02.2024 04:14:01] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: Andre: So it shall be Commander.
[24.02.2024 04:14:08] Nabucodonosor: eh observe, you cannot hurt them in a snub
[24.02.2024 04:14:20] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: R: *Whispers to CIC* have the men open fire when in range
[24.02.2024 04:14:27] Hermann.Jung: im not pvpdead
[24.02.2024 04:14:30] Hermann.Jung: im back
[24.02.2024 04:14:48] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: R: That is a glorious sight!
[24.02.2024 04:14:53] Nabucodonosor: (humbleness)***~may light bless this moment~***
[24.02.2024 04:14:54] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: R: Open fire!
[24.02.2024 04:14:57] Hermann.Jung: Ah! New people! Are you ready to listen to the choir we have prepared for you?
[24.02.2024 04:15:15] Hermann.Jung: Ahh... Ahhh.. Weapons online. Termination of subjects, ordered.
[24.02.2024 04:15:33] Hermann.Jung: Weapons, calibrated. Ready to fire. For the light. For the divine. For the true humanity.
[24.02.2024 04:15:41] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: All anti snub batteries, prepare to fire on my command!
[24.02.2024 04:15:50] Tip: You can send cash to nearby players without needing to type their name by selecting their ship and using /givecasht or /gct command.
[24.02.2024 04:16:07] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: Open fire!
[24.02.2024 04:19:17] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: Keep our range, we dont want to acrew unessacary scratches
[24.02.2024 04:20:07] |>R<|RCV-Zisa: R: We may just have to deal with this little fly first
[24.02.2024 04:20:32] Nabucodonosor: (determination) ***~these shells are disrupting this space~...~they will be reconverted for our goals~***
[24.02.2024 04:20:46] DTR-CNS>Divine-Shield: A: Alas, there is only so much a Cruiser can d against a mosquito like thus
[25.02.2024 19:07:03] Nabucodonosor: (happiness)***~the light~...~dawns beautifully today~...~on the system~...~we shall visit the darklings settlements~...
[25.02.2024 19:07:19] Nabucodonosor: ~to pick them up to join the light~***
[25.02.2024 19:07:23] Connection to tradelane sensor network established. Type /net to access network.
[25.02.2024 19:08:18] Nabucodonosor: (hopefulness)***~the darklings~...~which name themselves~the zoners~...~will be humanity's~...~goners~
[25.02.2024 19:08:37] Nabucodonosor: ...~in light's joyfull embrace~***
[25.02.2024 19:09:20] Tip: The ''Laws of Sirius'', are a collection of in-roleplay laws for each house. They mention things such as contraband, punishments and fines and are enforceable by lawful IDed ships.
[25.02.2024 19:10:16] Nabucodonosor: ***(interest) ~a darkling's dissonant hum~...~was echoed in our mind~...~we will investigate it~***
[25.02.2024 19:10:37] Richard.White was obliterated by Molly.Mollown (88%)
[25.02.2024 19:10:40] Nazcarriba: OK. Be a good guy and send me a donation of 100.000 credits in order to let you go in peace!
[25.02.2024 19:10:52] Nabucodonosor: (happines)***~the harvest~...~shall be plentiful~***
[25.02.2024 19:11:11] Aegis|Matchbook was put out of action by Molly.Mollown (67%)
[25.02.2024 19:11:14] CIS|Dmitar was obliterated by HMS-Bournemouth (100%)
[25.02.2024 19:11:31] Nabucodonosor: (amusement) ***~darkling~...~thinks we deal in material goods~...~amusing***
[25.02.2024 19:11:48] Nabucodonosor: (hope)***may light~...~bless***
[25.02.2024 19:12:03] Nazcarriba: I am sure, you could bless me with some credits
[25.02.2024 19:12:43] 2024-02-25 19:12:46 SMT Traffic control alert: Nazcarriba has docked
[25.02.2024 19:13:15] A bounty of $400 credits has been deposited into your account.
[25.02.2024 19:13:20] A bounty of $400 credits has been deposited into your account.
[25.02.2024 19:13:23] A bounty of $400 credits has been deposited into your account.
[25.02.2024 19:13:53] Covert_Infiltrator was put out of action by Red.Snake (100%)
[25.02.2024 19:14:35] Nabucodonosor: ***(determination)~human~...~will join us~***
[25.02.2024 19:15:21] A bounty of $400 credits has been deposited into your account.
[25.02.2024 19:15:29] Nazcarriba: Shlizhak: Weapons hot. Fire on sight.
[25.02.2024 19:15:36] Darkermatts died to Object01 (100%)
[25.02.2024 19:16:42] DTR-CNS>Santa.Maria: gg
[25.02.2024 19:16:44] DTR-CNS>Emperador: GG
[25.02.2024 19:16:55] DTR-CNS>Emperador died to DTR-CNS>Santa.Maria (100%)
[25.02.2024 19:17:10] DTR-CNS>Emperador: niiice!!
[25.02.2024 19:17:23] A bounty of $400 credits has been deposited into your account.
[25.02.2024 19:17:29] A bounty of $400 credits has been deposited into your account.
[25.02.2024 19:19:29] 2024-02-25 19:19:31 SMT Traffic control alert: Svyatoslav.Surkov has docked
[25.02.2024 19:19:53] DTR-CNS>Santa.Maria: ima leave for now ill be back later
[25.02.2024 19:20:03] DTR-CNS>Emperador: CYA!!Tnx for pew
[25.02.2024 19:20:48] 2024-02-25 19:20:50 SMT Traffic control alert: Svyatoslav.Surkov has docked
[25.02.2024 19:20:51] A bounty of $400 credits has been deposited into your account.
[25.02.2024 19:24:35] Nazcarriba died to Nabucodonosor (100%)
[25.02.2024 19:24:37] Nazcarriba: )
[25.02.2024 19:25:05] [NCC/PG]Militant.Lance: L: Another aberration?
[25.02.2024 19:25:22] [NCC/PG]Militant.Lance: L: Lets cleant this area
[25.02.2024 19:25:36] [NCC/PG]Militant.Lance: L: Charging weapons
[25.02.2024 19:25:46] [NCC/PG]Militant.Lance: L: Ready to attack
[25.02.2024 19:25:50] Nabucodonosor: ***(Extatic)~joy to the light~...~darkling's plight~...~was silenced~...~so that their souls in joyous happines~...~will join~
[25.02.2024 19:29:39] Tip: You can send cash to nearby players without needing to type their name by selecting their ship and using /givecasht or /gct command.
[25.02.2024 19:31:04] HMS-Bournemouth died to RPA|PRW-Fragarach (45%)
[25.02.2024 19:32:05] [NCC/PG]Militant.Lance: L:retreat the abominations shield are stronger than we can manage
[25.02.2024 19:32:43] KreessVell perished at Object01's hands (98%)
[25.02.2024 19:32:48] Nabucodonosor: (amusement)***~Light~...~wins again~...~darklings will become brighter~...~soon~***
Why do you want to join K'Hara?
I wish to join the k'hara to contribute to the faction's improvement and k'hara story in the game, bringing a more nuanced, complex and possibly Daam K'vosh blended vision in the game, meaning to preview the master race, their technology, ships etc. Also to show why the nomad light is so radiant on The Sirius Sector.
What interests you about Nomad Roleplay? How would you rate your current Nomad Roleplay skills?
I am interested in all aspects of nomad roleplay, especially on interacting with humans and getting them on our side, whether by idolising us or through infection and with the other elements and lore content of Sirius, while my is having a wide room of improvement and receptiveness from veteran Slomon K'Hara players and leaders.
Are you happy to be ganked by factions like The Core, The Order and basically everyone else?
Yes gladly and gladly to know how to have them beaten.
Do you have future plans for your nomad ship?
Yes, currently have a marduk, i wish to fine tune my ship and add the best nomad equipment on it alongside skills to fly it and thinking of acquiring more nomad vessels to constitute war form groups against groups which oppose us.