Name(s):Catalina Luciani Age:19 Place of birth:Planet Burgundy, Burgundy Biography (about 100 words): When was younger always liked to come in a vacations on marseille, their beauty sea infront of me, i am still glared to those blue-waters and all the transportation was done by the lining group departing from Burgundy, it was a beauty travel experience, on recent times, i have some bussiness done on canes, and montecarlo, seeing how is the economy actually maybe try a pilot while having a good place to live on work of it, i am more of an explorer type, but if times comes, i could get into a fighter and fight for whoever wanna make it pays, but for now, one way to get into provence more into a place, is being part of provence it self, meaning being part of the Unione Corse..
"But, I have been invited to join by a close member to the Unione Corse, and here I am today Additionnal information you consider relevant: Anything more needed to know would like it to speak formally on presencial way Do you agree to go through the Corse Rite of Initiation, chosen personnally by the Principal? YES
ooRP section
What ship/class do you enjoy the most (fighter, bomber, gunboat...)?Transport, Bomber/Fighter How would you rate your PVP and RP skills (on a scale from 0-10)?PvP: 6.4/10 | RP: 5/10 Discord Name and Tag:*See Below* Additionnal ooRP information you consider relevant:Only under presencial way~
>May B. Clerici<
Discord Username : Tenshi Kuonji#3786 ✙|✙ Twitch Link : Tenshi Kuonji Other Links : Tenshi Hidden Links Best Ranks Ever: 1|IC Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinland
May the ‘L1ght’ grant you wisdom my "Dear", Rules are there to teach, not to preach. Don’t enforce them like a tyrant’s whim, Especially when they’re as baseless as a beach. May the ‘Wildkins’ enlighten you, my ‘Esteemed’, Symbols are there to signify, not to vilify. Don’t enforce them like a detective who’s a decade late, especially when they’re as timeless as fate.