Dab,Aug 18 2006, 04:05 PM Wrote:Dark, USE THE EDIT BUTTON. You do not need to triple post then bump it an hour and a half later. People are not on 24/7.
Now first, figure in the nanobots of your battleship and you'll have much more than the fighter does.
Also factor in the SHIELD of the fighter, and the SHIELD batteries. That grants alot of extra defense. Also the fact that most of the time you hit the fighter, that not ALL the guns hit when it looked like they did, due to distance differences in the guns. So whats 90% inaccuracy with 1 gun, is more like 95% if your talking about all the guns. Cut your estimate in half right there. Then the shield (which automatically recharges every once in awhile) and the shield batts which recharge it quite a few times. That will drastically change your "equations." There are so many variables you did not even factor in. You can't possibly have an accurate description of the fight and how many time you hit him or his shields.
My equations bring all of the factors in to play for the enemy ship. That 3million+ mark is including breaking through the shield. All I'm trying to do is say is that a fighter should not be able to take that much damage. I did 15%-50% hull damage (Remaining) on atleast 10 occassions only for it to be completely repaired. My equations are accurate. Infact I believe if I actually put the numbers down for the shields, it might go to show the fighter to be more powerful than my current numbers already do.
I understand out of those 5 not all of them can hit, but I can tell the difference by the rate the shields are dropping of how many of my guns are hitting the target successfully when I am scoring hits.
BTW, I didn't use the edit button because I didn't want my other posts to get confused in the fray with the large one, that seems to happen when I stick to staying in the same post (See my thread where I made suggestions about the thrusters) alot of the items tend to get ignored/overlooked when I pile them all up in one post.
EDIT: almost forgot, nanobots on my battleship, sure I have 700 of them but the efficiency of a nanobot for a battleship is about 25% that of the efficiency they are on a fighter.