SENDER:LtCdr. Alastair Stedman RECIPIENT:5th Fleet High Command LOCATION:West Point Military Academy, New York System ENCRYPTION:Gamma SUBJECT:Patrol Reports 16/06/834 to 30/06/834 PRIORITY:High
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*Sits down and points to a pile of papers on his desk*
Well its about high time I got to finishing off all my patrol reports. Otherwise HC might just gut me alive.
Well anyway on the 16th/05/834 I was near Norfolk shipyard when prison ship XT-7154 sent out a distress call, they were transporting prisoners to LPI Sugerland when they came under attack by Rogue forces on the lane between Norfolk and West Point. I proceeded immediately to provide assistance. We fought as hard as we could but our Gunboats were disabled which left us at a severe disadvantage. I assisted 46th|Alpha-26 with the destruction of The.Flat.Rat. and Clark.Wilson. I managed to take out Duncan.Reeves. Unfortunately I was the last snub standing against the Rogues and I was disabled by Shane.Hughes. The security detail of XT-7154 was overwhelmed and unfortunately we lost the prison ship and their inmates. *Sighs* Well you can't win them all I am afraid. I have uploaded the sensor footage from the fight.
On the 23rd/05/834 I was on patrol with John,Hawkes when we intercepted a Corsair DTR Battleship DTR-CC>Diablo.Gris at the Texas gate in New York. The hold of the ship was filled with artifacts, however it turned around back into Texas when it was met with our forces. I suspect the Diablo.Gris was a lookout for a larger smuggling fleet. Probably the same smuggling fleet that came through on the 22nd of May. We need to increase our patrols to intercept these smugglers. I have a still image from my ships sensor logs of the encounter.
On the 24th/05/834 I assisted a Zoner corvo RSV-Neumann with navigating their way through the Kepler system to Ames Research Station. Hoping my gesture of good will is just a small drop in the bucket required to repair our relationship with the Zoners. It was an extremely dangerous journey through the system with multiple sensor ghosts appearing and disappearing, there also seemed to be a temporal distortion of some sorts as I could of sworn we reached Ames but I must of been hallucinating because we had been sitting at the the Galileo hole the entire time. I recommend we stay clear of this system unless it's absolutely required.
On the 28th/05/834 I intercepted a Rogue vessel called Mose.Bolton, that was attempting to extort an Ageria ship called the Ascension. I pursued him to Cordova Shipping Platform in the Magellan system. I disabled Mose.Bolton's ship before he could cause any permanent damage to Cordova or the Ascension.
Yesterday, the 30th/05/834 I was on patrol near Detroit Munitions. We had received a tip off from intelligence that Task Force Prometheus and the Pennsylvania Zoner Resistance were preparing to attack Detroit Munitions. The intel was right and a group of cruisers and single seater vessels moved on Detroit. Thankfully our patrol was correctly outfitted for the threats we were about to face. I assisted in disabling TFP)-Niloticus. I engaged TFP)-Carmine as they were attempting to attack our gunship, but I disabled Carmine. After that I assisted in the removal of PLF/Testament and PLF/Freedom.Shield. We then got word that another patrol had intercepted TFP and PLF reinforcements attempting to reach Detroit, unfortunately my ship being damaged from the combat was disabled by TFP)-Silver.Fox. However our forces managed to push the remaining PLF and TFP/Auxo forces out of the system and my Defender was towed back to West Point. Victory was guaranteed as we had superior military equipment and training.
*Leans forward and rubs his temples*
But what the hell are we doing here? We are supposed to be representing freedom here? Why can't we come down to some sort of settlement with the Zoners? These are a group of people that are pretty damn upset with the hand they have been dealt, but shooting at civilian militias flying ships that are armed with nothing more than cap guns just doesn't seem the way to solve this issue. We are supposed to be standing up for freedom and liberty here. This just seems wrong to me. *Sighs* I dunno. Maybe I need to do some reading. Find out who these extremists are and what they represent. They are misguided and wrong, but surely there is a way we can mend these wounds with the Zoners. Anyways that's all for now.