「o」Reason for applying: looking to make some credits and haul with the finest corp in liberty space.
「o」Personal info (name, age, personality, etc.): Tony Buffalo 30 Mild mannered short tempered.
「o」Brief background: I am a new pilot seeking to make his fortune in SIrus Space.
「o」Relevant experience: I started transporting helium I mined on my smaller freighter and got my way up to be able to take out a serious loan out on my liberty mammoth transport class star ship. Currently on contract with DSE as this is written.
「o」Preferred department(s): Transportation/Mining.
「o」Reason for applying: DSE and Liberty Space is what I remember the most of Freelancer.
「o」Any prior RP you'd like to share: ex bounty hunter 10 years ago in disco
「o」Your discord: 1844okaysir