Name(s):Patrizio Colonna Age:33 Place of birth:Planet Marseille Biography (about 100 words):Born into one of the many satellite branches of the Colonna family, I never cared much for the tedious family affairs. Art, fine cuisine, and above all, speed were my passions. My father, with rare foresight, trained me to become a racing pilot, often saying, "You must be good for something." My career began in that world, with both legal races and clandestine ones. As my father wisely predicted, the skill and healthy dose of madness required to drive a Mistral at such speeds proved invaluable for transporting goods—especially illegal ones—across sectors without being seen or caught. After years spent wandering the circuits of Sirius, I received word of the family yacht's crash and the death of nearly my entire family. Reluctantly, I returned to Marseille to take the reins of the family business. Fully aware that nothing moves or is decided without the Union's consent, I am here to renew the vows of loyalty my father once made. Additionnal information you consider relevant:Sometimes there's more ethanol than haemoglobine in my blood. But, monsieurs, how are you supposed to do my job if you're not relaxed enough? But, racing aside, I'm sober for the most part of the time Do you agree to go through the Corse Rite of Initiation, chosen personnally by the Principal?Oui
ooRP section
What ship/class do you enjoy the most (fighter, bomber, gunboat...)?transports and bombers How would you rate your PVP and RP skills (on a scale from 0-10)?a solid 2/10 in PvP when lag isn't making things even worse; "those who brag get dirty", so I'd say a 7/10 for the RP part Discord Name and Tag:Marcellus95 Additionnal ooRP information you consider relevant:since my return on Disco (2021) I played almost exclusively OS&C chars, so, as mentioned before, not the most PvP oriented faction here in the game