14 years ago I was Xavier Triton and fairly active on the RP side of the forums.
My character did a lot of trying to keep Zoners and border world factions from tearing each other's throats out. It *kinda* worked??
This was back during the Confederation of Freeports (COF) days and when TAZ was still an Official Faction. I belonged to TAZ at the time and represented them as an Ambassador. In short, at the end, Xavier took his Zoner Battleship, made it a sustainable township and then cruised off the map to find a new home for him and his own.
Anyways, life got busy and I had to duck out, but now I'm back.
I'm going to be flying about as Silas Triton inRP - A descendant of my previous character (There is a whole reverse gravitational time dilation type thing in the RP to explain why my character isn't in their early teens. I'll write it up soon)
As I get back acquainted with the game I'll see where I want to sit in terms of factions, which I'm happy to receive recommendations from.
The Admins have been really helpful in setting my up again via the Returning Veterans Program!
Besides all this, whats the political highlights in Sirius at the moment? Happy to receive links if that's easier for people, or badgering about the use of the forum search function. I do miss the old days.