Liberty Navy - NORR-826-OCSA Name:Edmund Duke Date of Birth:06/21/779 Place of Birth:Planet Los Angeles Sex:Male Height (cm):174cm Weight (kg):107kg Relatives:None that I can contact Previous Work Experience:Negative, once I was of age, I applied for the Navy. Previous Military Service:Cruiser helmsman during the Colony Wars. Avenger/ Defender pilot during my training.
Biographical Segment:My home life was fairly sheltered. The family never seemed to come into any hardships though we were always expected to be at our best academically or otherwise. Once I was of age I applied for the Navy and eventually was accepted, much to my Parents disapproval. Eventually I had shown enough skill to Helm one of our Archer class Cruiser's, not long before the Colony Wars kicked off... Details of that time are hazy, though I do know the ship i served on was critically damaged over the course of the war, eventually being scuttled and the crew put into quarantine for a while. Now that I've been cleared for service again, I just hope to keep Liberty safe from whatever decides to threaten us.
OORP Part Your experience in Discovery: I've only recently joined Discovery after some video's came up on my youtube feed. I have been around maybe a few weeks now? Most of my time has been getting my Trader up and running. I have not been Sanctioned. Everyone so far has been friendly and helpful, though i haven't had the chance to interact with others much thus far. Are you familiar with the Laws of Liberty and the Discovery RP 24/7 Server Rules?:Yes Respectively, rate your RP and PvP skills on a scale to 10:RP: 6 PvP: 3 Discord Username:ChaoticBreezy#9878 Timezone:+11 GMT.