Grouses. You know them. You love them. Space potatos full of joy and hopes and dreams and sometimes drugs. And they are being desecrated by our eeevil corpos.
I'm sure you've seen them around. Lights blaring, annoying earworm jingle on loop. But the paste boats are hiding a dark secret. It's not just goop in there. They got hoes. Synth Hoes. Poor, underpaid, overworked and stuck inside a tiny ship with that FUCKING SONG PLAYING NONSTOP.
Us girlies in the Hackers have heard their plight and so we reach out to you all. We MUST free the hoes from the clutches of Synth Foods! So deliver those Grouses unto Cute Ship Heaven and those poor hoes unto uh, freedom and stuff. If you know where to find us there might be some creds in it for ya too!