From: Special Constable Jacky Montgomery, CDI. To: COCS Database Topic: Patrol Report Nov 7, 834 AS Clearance: SENSITIVE
Today has been far too busy in two different ways, neither of which I liked. I am sure the reports will come in about the Corsair incursion in the Cambridge System before long. Before my damn Ceres 60F got disabled I managed to salvage some gun-cam footage that I will attach... though I must file a formal complaint with the quartermaster later about the weapons that were provided to me! This thing was ill equipped to deal with the number of Titans and battlecruisers that simply waltzed right into Cambridge. I have some serious questions about the deployment of the Armed Forces as well, is it not their job to destroy such warships? I saw the CDI and a civilian mining group had more ships fielded! And now my ship was left in the workshop for hours having an entire engine assembly replaced with one that incessantly rattles about while at cruise...
After my ship was properly repaired I had gone and done that double shift as requested but... I do not know how you people manage it but I yaaawn I need more coffee. That frustrating woman from the Miners Guild was out again racing through the lanes and possibly disrupting them, though I could not catch her in the act. Later found her in Newcastle, loitering at the liner… where she mused about blowing it up believe it or not. She then proceeded to ask to be arrested then offered me her house? I am confused and concerned. I think she has made an attempt to flirt with me as well, which while flattering, is uh. Um. Is this in the handbook somewhere? Does she do this to everyone? Or lord, have I met her in one of those bars in Croyton without realizing it? Oh lord, oh no...
I er… I will attach an excerpt from the conversation below I guess.
I suspect she is up to something considering how she is acting, and so immediately after forwarding that message to the CDI. Though what it is, I am unsure of. Perhaps, how you say, it is all tomfoolery?
This coffee is free, right?