From: Special Constable Jacky Montgomery, CDI. To: COCS Database Topic: Patrol Report Nov 14, 834 AS Clearance: SENSITIVE
I did not sign up for fleet battle nonsense! What were so many Outcast warships doing in London? Lord, can we please get better border control in Leeds? Several BAF capital ships responded to repel the attack, along with a large wing of Galway and CDI ships. We were able to mop up a lot of their smaller craft, but the BAF warships with us were heavily damaged and looked like they may be total write offs. We're single-handedly funding ALG at this point. Thankfully I still have some wine left over from the crates I got the other day.
On a side note, I met a very troublesome woman by the name of Rebecca Harper. She accosted me for minutes on end and was overall a massive nuisance, and I fear that Hopper in HR may get a complaint from her in regards to me before long. I don't know. Also, I am aware of the communication with Maya in regards to Omega-7, I am working on how to deal with that. I am going to go open one of these wines and take a bath, the water is back working again at my flat. Thank God.