They echoed In unison, both in inflection and rhythm, even right down to the cuts on their helmets microphone.
"Tennsdedt is within the Void's system of Thuringia. And if you know little of that place then I hope you don't gaze into the keyhole of Pandora's box, granted her secrecy is not what it used to be since the civil war. But it has allowed us Thuringians to make an agreement with the Platform to still let us call that fragile frontier... Our home. While she may not be Weimar, I think that station has guided us closer to our henotheistic search to synchronise with the the Void and the vessel she provides... And more importantly, allow us to help find our acute place within Humanity."
"You're always so ominous...""Sorry, life of riddles."
"We work with our most sensitive operations concerning extra-stellar activity and intelligence, so please understand our deflections in the matter of its operations and history. But what I can say is the station hosts the eyes and ears within the Platform, it is where the 'Damnatio Memoriae' call for home for the time being. If work were to take place there, I assure you it'll be in the hands of those with 'eyes in the dark' and know how to keep a secret."
"So that leaves networking our systems together for the matters of expedited research. I'll admit the idea does leave me somewhat unsettled, but that's merely an old instinct of security to our own systems that I'm willing to overlook... Although maybe that's enough to convince you of our efforts to maintain seclusion."