From: Special Constable Jacky Montgomery, CDI. To: COCS Database Topic: Patrol Report Nov 19, 834 AS, Zoner Memorial Convoy Clearance: SENSITIVE
I am concerned I may have overstepped my bounds the other day, sirs. I would like to formally apologize if that is the case.
At the start of my patrol the other day, I was contacted by a Captain Brandt, commander of theZCS-Copenhagen, a large Zoner capital class science vessel. She reached out to me in regards to securing safe passage to the Leeds memorials for her and her ship's crew. Typically it'd be procedure to turn such a ship away, and I was about to, but apparently Captain Brandt and many of her crew were actually from Leeds... and she made what I'd describe as a very very generous donation to the CDI Widows and Orphans Fund. I admittedly had trouble saying no after she made her case, and I took her through Bretonia under careful watch.
Upon arriving in New London, we made contact with an MFE ship, the [MFE]~Penicillin, under the command of a woman named Isa. She was passing through and out to the Omegas, but requested to join our trip to the memorials. I obliged and Captain Brandt welcomed her. We had a very quiet trip through New London, and we all briefly stopped over Leeds for the Zoners to conduct their traditional memorial services and make several speaches.
[19.11.2024 01:39:35] ZCS-Copenhagen: [ATC] Copenhagen off wall 1239Z, Out.
[19.11.2024 01:40:02] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Just heading on into and through Leeds, right?
[19.11.2024 01:41:10] ZCS-Copenhagen: [ATC] Affirm CDI, en route to Baffin for a trade rendezvous this time tomorrow.
[19.11.2024 01:43:57] ZCS-Copenhagen: [ATC] Approaching Cambridge jump-gate, making weapons mechanically safe.
[19.11.2024 01:44:22] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: *slurping loudly* Yeah... best make sure they stay that way.
[19.11.2024 01:45:26] ZCS-Copenhagen: [ATC] Routing to Norfolk.
[19.11.2024 01:58:42] ZCS-Copenhagen: [ATC] Copenhagen alongside Norfolk 1258Z, routing Sarum, Out.
[19.11.2024 01:58:49] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Righto.
[19.11.2024 02:00:32] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Really can't fit that thing in the lanes, eh?
[19.11.2024 02:01:30] ZCS-Copenhagen: [ATC] Copenhagen alongside Portsmouth 0101Z, routing to New London Jumpgate. Out.
[19.11.2024 02:06:33] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Well here we are at the capital...
[19.11.2024 02:06:36] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: The mess that it is.
[19.11.2024 02:06:37] ZCS-Copenhagen: [ATC] Copenhagen routing to Dover, out.
[19.11.2024 02:06:44] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Right...
[19.11.2024 02:06:54] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Oh look, more Zoners, eh?
[19.11.2024 02:07:06] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: Konnichiwa This is the Medical Factory Frigatte Penicilin.
[19.11.2024 02:07:10] ZCS-Copenhagen: [ATC] Salutations Penicillin. I hope the watch has been a quiet one
[19.11.2024 02:07:20] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Heyo. Special Constably Montgomery here.
[19.11.2024 02:07:22] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Pleasure.
[19.11.2024 02:07:42] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Captain Brandt here has booked special passage out to Leeds to see the memorials with her crew.
[19.11.2024 02:07:49] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: hai the watch was quiet so far. what does a Nephi do in Bretonia?
[19.11.2024 02:08:21] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: ah a Memorial Service? Do you mind if i Join?
[19.11.2024 02:08:39] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: I won't stop you. Long as you don't cause trouble.
[19.11.2024 02:08:40] ZCS-Copenhagen: [ATC] We're en-route to Baffin for some negotiations. Officer Montgomery is giving us an escourt, with a brief stop over at
[19.11.2024 02:09:02] ZCS-Copenhagen: Leeds as per instructions from the captain.
[19.11.2024 02:09:12] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: i Acompany you to Leeds and then continue to Cambridge.
[19.11.2024 02:09:22] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Any complaints, Copenhagen?
[19.11.2024 02:09:41] ZCS-Copenhagen: [ATC] We'd love to have the company, as long as that won't get you in hot water with your superiors, Officer.
[19.11.2024 02:09:57] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Eh, well your donation to the widows and orphans fund should keep them happy enough.
[19.11.2024 02:10:04] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Let's cruise up though.
[19.11.2024 02:10:12] ZCS-Copenhagen: *SKRZT*
[19.11.2024 02:10:19] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: nay i am fine. i am the head of Psycology of MFE so i pick my own Apointments
[19.11.2024 02:10:20] ZCS-Copenhagen: {Bridge] Here's hoping.
[19.11.2024 02:10:42] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: We will keep flying adjacent to the lanes due to the Copenhagen's size.
[19.11.2024 02:11:20] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: i see. i dont mind that the Penicilin is a fast ship with almost 400 at Cruise
[19.11.2024 02:11:24] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] No need to piss off the local tradespeople
[19.11.2024 02:11:29] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Oh I didn't realize that...
[19.11.2024 02:11:45] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: We can hold up ahead at the shipping platforms and regroup then.
[19.11.2024 02:11:55] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: No sense losing half you mourners anyways.
[19.11.2024 02:12:04] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Ah apologies...1/2 ahead helmsman.
[19.11.2024 02:12:08] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: *slurping loudly again*
[19.11.2024 02:12:14] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: At least I got coffee this time.
[19.11.2024 02:12:33] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: we at MFE also Own 2 Nephis. One belongs to Doc Holiday the other to me.
[19.11.2024 02:12:51] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Ah you know Doc Holiday? I hear his name alot, sounds like an important guy.
[19.11.2024 02:13:32] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: he is. well he is a good Man. He safed many lifes in the Borderworlds
[19.11.2024 02:13:32] ZCS-Copenhagen: [ATC] Copenhagen alongside Canterbury 0113Z, routing Belvedere. Out.
[19.11.2024 02:13:53] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Borderworlds, like, what, the Taus?
[19.11.2024 02:14:04] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: this is Mobile Medical Frigate Penicillin. Crossing the Canterbury Junktion.
[19.11.2024 02:14:27] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: About time I saw some Zoners who followed procedure.
[19.11.2024 02:14:35] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: No offense.
[19.11.2024 02:14:53] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] I run a tight watch, Miss Montgomery.
[19.11.2024 02:14:54] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: we are often in house space. you would be suprised how many patients of mine are bretonian.
[19.11.2024 02:15:09] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: With the way the war went... not too surprising.
[19.11.2024 02:15:26] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Was born on Leeds myself. That was a different life, though.
[19.11.2024 02:15:34] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: The Galic War didnt only left some Wounds of the Body, also many wounds of the Mind. And that is My Specialty as a --
[19.11.2024 02:15:38] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: ... ah.
[19.11.2024 02:15:38] [MFE]~Penicillin: --Psycologist.
[19.11.2024 02:15:45] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Well... Leeds is... yeah.
[19.11.2024 02:15:51] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Sorry, Captain.
[19.11.2024 02:16:13] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: if you ever feel the need to talk to somone you can Contact me Constable.
[19.11.2024 02:16:16] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] You either let the loss of everything break you, or reforge you stronger.
[19.11.2024 02:16:34] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Well that's awful nice, Isa.
[19.11.2024 02:16:44] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: hai but some pepole need help with that and that is where i come into play.
[19.11.2024 02:16:46] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Though all I think I need are some meds to help me sleep.
[19.11.2024 02:17:17] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: Well its my job. I hope these meds are prescribed by a Doctor? its not good to Self Medicate you know.
[19.11.2024 02:17:21] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Incredibly respectable, Dr. I have a huge respect for the field of Mental Health.
[19.11.2024 02:17:38] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: I only self medicate with cigarettes, wine, and coffee as needed unfortunately.
[19.11.2024 02:17:41] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Bad habits.
[19.11.2024 02:17:44] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: But they keep me sane.
[19.11.2024 02:17:47] [MFE]~Penicillin: *a Loud MEWO can be heard from the Bridge*
[19.11.2024 02:18:08] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: ... hunh?
[19.11.2024 02:18:27] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: i understand...Yes niki you are important too. Well as i wanted to say, if you ever want to face that demons you can--
[19.11.2024 02:18:28] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Remind me to brew you some coffee if I ever have you onboard; deck 5 has a wonderful little cafe set up by some of
[19.11.2024 02:18:36] ZCS-Copenhagen: the BioMed team
[19.11.2024 02:18:38] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Hmmm... cafe sounds nice.
[19.11.2024 02:18:44] [MFE]~Penicillin: --Talk with me. Oh and dont mind my Therapy Cat she is a Drama Queen sometimes.
[19.11.2024 02:19:00] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Wait, biomed team cafe?
[19.11.2024 02:19:30] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge]...we're away from civilized space for extended periods.
[19.11.2024 02:19:33] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: you grow coffe on that Ship? we tried that on the Healing Heart but always failed.
[19.11.2024 02:20:11] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Aye indeed, that would be courtesy of Hydroponics.
[19.11.2024 02:20:24] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Ain't you fancy there... sounds like a nice set up.
[19.11.2024 02:20:50] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: we tried to grow them in the Biodomes like all the other food.
[19.11.2024 02:21:18] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Hmm, you guys must have something on the Copenhagen that you didn't... not sure what.
[19.11.2024 02:21:23] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: I don't know much about plants.
[19.11.2024 02:21:28] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Remind me to put you in contact with a Dr. Eckhardt sometime, resident horticulturalist.
[19.11.2024 02:21:30] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: Not sure if we have room for hydroponics. Half of the Ship is a Hospital after all. But we Import our Coffe from Curacao.
[19.11.2024 02:21:43] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: Orbital is a Great Help for our Hospital.
[19.11.2024 02:21:56] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: I have flown past Curacao a couple times. Looks expensive.
[19.11.2024 02:22:31] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: it is, but orbital dont charges us. Something about a Tax Deductable thing or so.
[19.11.2024 02:23:03] ZCS-Copenhagen: [ATC] Copenhagen alongside Belvedere 0122Z, routing Leeds Jumpgate. Out.
[19.11.2024 02:23:10] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Copy here.
[19.11.2024 02:23:30] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: Belvedere Station this is the Factory Frigate Penicilin. Code 1MFE189 Passing the Station.
[19.11.2024 02:24:06] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Coming up on one of the big graveyards.
[19.11.2024 02:24:20] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Had a lot of countrymen die out here.
[19.11.2024 02:24:27] [OOC] [MFE]~Penicillin: ups
[19.11.2024 02:24:41] [OOC] ZCS-Copenhagen: Hehe you're good!
[19.11.2024 02:25:01] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: *sighs* so many lost Lifes. so much Pain. When will Humanity Learn?
[19.11.2024 02:25:11] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: At this rate, I dunno.
[19.11.2024 02:25:12] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Sleep well, Sir...
[19.11.2024 02:25:32] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] *faint static*
[19.11.2024 02:25:37] [MFE]~Penicillin: *the Crew os the Ship would stand there in a Silent Salute for a Minute.*
[19.11.2024 02:26:27] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] know in a different life, I served the Bretonian Armed Forces. Boots on the ground, frankly never saw myself
[19.11.2024 02:26:44] ZCS-Copenhagen: charged with the well-being of anything larger than a platoon.
[19.11.2024 02:26:45] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: You know, I was kinda afraid to ask, considering what you said earlier, captain.
[19.11.2024 02:27:06] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: I Grew up on Erie and Studied on Denver During the War. Now this feels like a Eternety.
[19.11.2024 02:27:31] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: I ran cargo during the war myself. Little freighter running munitions out to ships...
[19.11.2024 02:27:37] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Nothing super glamorous.
[19.11.2024 02:27:47] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Though what glamor is there in this?
[19.11.2024 02:27:54] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Hah, wait until you get to be my age. Feels like every day I wake up another year has passed by.
[19.11.2024 02:28:04] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: after my Studies i worked in a Veterans Hospital. We were always Underfunded and UnderStaffed. But we did our Best.
[19.11.2024 02:28:26] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Isa, you sound like a better person than me. Heh. And that's good.
[19.11.2024 02:29:03] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: oh i am not that good. One time i Broke a Admirals Nose. He had the Audacity to Acuse my Patients to be Cowards.--
[19.11.2024 02:29:23] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Veteran's Hospital on Dover? You wouldn't happen to have been working at St. Robert's at any point, did you?
[19.11.2024 02:29:24] [MFE]~Penicillin: --They had Severe PTSD after the Battle of California.
[19.11.2024 02:29:49] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: oh i didnt worked at Dover. i worked on Denver.
[19.11.2024 02:30:06] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: In the Colorado System.
[19.11.2024 02:30:20] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] I was boots on the ground in California, still remember seing the fires of San Diego in the sky...
[19.11.2024 02:31:06] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: During the War they have Evacuated many Wounded and Ill to either Huston in Texas, or Denver in Colorado.
[19.11.2024 02:31:18] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: the Furthest away from the Frontline and so.
[19.11.2024 02:31:21] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Well... nowhere here was safe.
[19.11.2024 02:32:08] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: i know. I Have Read the Reports of MFE Evac Flights of leeds. They were Scary to say the least. One day the Galics let---
[19.11.2024 02:32:09] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] 3 of my squad were sent to Dover, good medical teams. Real good people.
[19.11.2024 02:32:23] [MFE]~Penicillin: --You do your Work, the Other they Tried to Kill you.
[19.11.2024 02:32:36] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: ... yeah.
[19.11.2024 02:32:48] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: We're uh. Almost there.
[19.11.2024 02:33:09] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: *lighting a cigarette* I can't say I find much comfort in flying through Leeds now.
[19.11.2024 02:33:13] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: But I feel the need to.
[19.11.2024 02:33:23] ZCS-Copenhagen: [ATC] Copenhagen approaching Leeds Jumpgate. Secure external equipment for transfer.
[19.11.2024 02:33:28] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: one of the Resons we Build this Ship was that it gave us the Oportunity to Produce Medicin werever it is ineeded. Its a--
[19.11.2024 02:33:35] [MFE]~Penicillin: --Game Changer in the Borderworlds.
[19.11.2024 02:34:34] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Well... there won't be much to see. But...
[19.11.2024 02:34:37] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: I mean, hell.
[19.11.2024 02:34:39] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Then you're a friend of the Copenhagen and her people. Sirius needs more good people like you, Captain.
[19.11.2024 02:34:46] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: We're coming up on the memorials.
[19.11.2024 02:34:59] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Captain Brandt is right about that, Isa.
[19.11.2024 02:35:11] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Aaaaahhh whuuuufff....haaaah...
[19.11.2024 02:35:27] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: we have Prepared a Drone that we will Crash into the Atmosphere. Some kind of Ritual Sacrifice you see.
[19.11.2024 02:35:27] Death: Perseveranza was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[19.11.2024 02:35:39] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Copy that.
[19.11.2024 02:35:57] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] There you are little blue marble...
[19.11.2024 02:36:05] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: our Engeniers Filled it with Whisky. They said its "A drink for the Dead".
[19.11.2024 02:36:14] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Heh.
[19.11.2024 02:36:15] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] I remember your true horizons...
[19.11.2024 02:37:04] [MFE]~Penicillin: *as they came Closer she would start to Recite a Hispanic Poetry to Honor the Fallen.*
[19.11.2024 02:37:12] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: We should see the beacons soon at this rate...
[19.11.2024 02:37:48] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] should have seen her cities twinkling in the dark.
[19.11.2024 02:38:36] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: hai, i always get a feeling as if i cant Breath when i come close.
[19.11.2024 02:39:20] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Aaaaah it's a tough memory to hold tight to.
[19.11.2024 02:39:29] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: may the Fallen find everlasting Peace and Love in the Afterlife. May the Angles Guide them to Paradise.
[19.11.2024 02:39:40] ZCS-Copenhagen: Which is all the more reason we have to.
[19.11.2024 02:40:25] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: i live by the Oath of Hippocrates, but places like this make me want to forget my Oath Sometimes.
[19.11.2024 02:40:31] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: I am going to stop here a minute myself...
[19.11.2024 02:40:56] ZCS-Copenhagen: [ATC] Copenhagen alongside Leeds Monument 0140Z. Holding until further notice, out.
[19.11.2024 02:41:29] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: Penicillin going side to the Monument. Prepareing to Launch the Drones.
[19.11.2024 02:42:05] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] *A different, distinctly male voice crossed the comms*
[19.11.2024 02:42:49] [MFE]~Penicillin: *the Crew would have a Time of Silent while the Hangar doors Open and 2 Dozens of Drones Launch into Space and Fall on the---
[19.11.2024 02:42:52] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] As we reach outward to the stars, dreaming of the wonders yet seen by human eyes, we pause for a moment to reflect on
[19.11.2024 02:43:11] [MFE]~Penicillin: --Planet like Shooting Stars. Each had a Bottle of Whisky loaded.*
[19.11.2024 02:43:56] ZCS-Copenhagen: homes and families lost to the petty conflicts of our age. We hold these memories with us as we reach to the unknown, their
[19.11.2024 02:44:46] ZCS-Copenhagen: stories and their memories joining us through sickness and strife. The shared moments and joyous times we carry forever in our
[19.11.2024 02:45:13] [MFE]~Penicillin: *Isa would Start to Sing a old Song of Peace and the Crew on the Bridge would Join her. A Dozen Voices would Grief the Loses.*
[19.11.2024 02:46:08] ZCS-Copenhagen: hearts, inspiring us to share that joy in a universe that so desperately needs the connection and support of those around us.
[19.11.2024 02:46:54] [MFE]~Penicillin: *as the Song ended the Crew of the Penicillin had Tears in there Eyes and some would Even Cry.*
[19.11.2024 02:47:10] ZCS-Copenhagen: Let Leeds sleep and her people rest, and serve not only as a reminder of what was lost, but as a confirmation of the enduring
[19.11.2024 02:47:47] Death: Perseveranza suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[19.11.2024 02:47:49] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: a good way to say it. *she said and had to whipe tears from her face.
[19.11.2024 02:47:58] ZCS-Copenhagen: spirit of human kindness and empathy. For as long as people come together as a family, Leeds will live on forever.
[19.11.2024 02:48:09] Death: Hogo.Suru was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[19.11.2024 02:48:14] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Cheers.
[19.11.2024 02:48:34] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge]*The elderly woman's voice returns to the comms*
[19.11.2024 02:48:54] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge]...bye Mom...
[19.11.2024 02:49:02] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: *taping ash off her cigarette* I hope you got what you expected from this place....
[19.11.2024 02:49:07] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: Leeds is in our Hearts. May we never Forget its Lessons.
[19.11.2024 02:49:08] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: It's different for everyone I feel.
[19.11.2024 02:49:29] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: *tired sigh*
[19.11.2024 02:49:33] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: This place...
[19.11.2024 02:49:44] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] ...sniff...Hammond, get us out of here.
[19.11.2024 02:49:52] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Right.
[19.11.2024 02:50:06] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Isa. You said you were routing to Cambridge... when you're done of course.
[19.11.2024 02:50:11] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: It is truely a experience. I Cant imagine hot it must be for the Pepole of Durham.
[19.11.2024 02:50:55] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: hai, but i feel we should Escort our Brothers and Sisters home to Baffin Now. Cambridge can wait for Later.
[19.11.2024 02:51:14] ZCS-Copenhagen: [ATC] Copenhagen off-wall Leeds Monument 0150Z, routing Tau-31 Jump Gate, Out.
[19.11.2024 02:51:17] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Well, I can only take you guys as far as the border myself.
[19.11.2024 02:51:32] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: But if you two wish to travel together, you may go right on ahead I suppose.
[19.11.2024 02:51:52] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: But at the very least, I shall see you two out of this sad and tired place.
[19.11.2024 02:52:01] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: that is fine. I hope to see you later again when we Return. I will have something to give you.
[19.11.2024 02:52:09] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] We'd be happy to have you Penicillin, and don't worry about us Officer Montgomery, we're a stout boat.
[19.11.2024 02:52:20] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Heh. Cheers.
[19.11.2024 02:52:34] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: This is the Penicillin. We are ready to depart. Leeds Monument we bid you Farewell.
[19.11.2024 02:52:34] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: My shift may be over by then, but you'll know where to find me.
[19.11.2024 02:52:55] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] I'll have some stellar feedback to give to your superiors myself, Officer. You're one of the good ones.
[19.11.2024 02:52:59] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Hunh...
[19.11.2024 02:53:00] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: hai we know. Copenhagen we move out on your Mark.
[19.11.2024 02:53:08] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Well... thanks.
[19.11.2024 02:54:04] [MFE]~Penicillin: *as they leave she would speak a Final Prayer in Hispanic. and one in Kusarian.*
[19.11.2024 02:54:13] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: I never feel right in this place...
[19.11.2024 02:54:40] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] It's not a place for the living, my two cents in any case.
[19.11.2024 02:54:49] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Perhaps so.
[19.11.2024 02:55:00] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: *takes an especially long drag of her cigarette*
[19.11.2024 02:55:02] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Perhaps so.
[19.11.2024 02:55:11] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: I cant imagine how it must be for the pepole of Durham to love right next to leeds.
[19.11.2024 02:55:18] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Thank you for your prayers. Penicillin. You're am honorable Skipper.
[19.11.2024 02:56:00] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: well i myself have a History of Death. My mother was a Kusarian and well my Father a Corsair. Lets say i am not a Child--
[19.11.2024 02:56:24] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Corsair... eh? Well... I am not in a position to really judge I guess.
[19.11.2024 02:56:38] [MFE]~Penicillin: --of Love. My Mother comited Sepuku After my Birth. she couldnt Endure to Live on with the Shame of a Mixed Blood Baby like me.
[19.11.2024 02:56:48] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Oh.
[19.11.2024 02:56:53] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: and with the Things my Biological Father had done.
[19.11.2024 02:57:16] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Ah damn that's terrible to hear, I'm sorry.
[19.11.2024 02:57:24] ZCS-Copenhagen: Truly.
[19.11.2024 02:57:47] [OOC] ZCS-Copenhagen: Gonna hit the gas here just a bit!
[19.11.2024 02:57:59] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: well it inspired me to become a Psycologist. And i had wonderfull Zoner Parrents. Still i wished i had more than a--
[19.11.2024 02:58:04] [MFE]~Penicillin: --letter from her.
[19.11.2024 02:58:23] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Well you seem like you're doing some fine work from what I've heard tonight, so that's good.
[19.11.2024 02:58:38] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: i try my best.
[19.11.2024 02:58:52] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Though granted, no offense to you two, I am used to Zoners being layabouts or troublemakers.
[19.11.2024 02:58:57] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: So this is a pleasant change of pace.
[19.11.2024 02:59:19] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: You havent meet my Cat in Person. *laughs*
[19.11.2024 02:59:33] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Oh boy, sounds like a true Zoner stereotype there.
[19.11.2024 03:00:03] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Some of us are just looking to live our lives, Officer. The cosmos is a much larger place than just Sirius.
[19.11.2024 03:00:06] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: Niki is a Strong Character, but she haves a Big Heart and helps those in need. She is a Certified Therapy Cat after all.
[19.11.2024 03:00:30] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: hai, but sadly bad Apples exist on every tree.
[19.11.2024 03:00:51] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Tank.McHaul
[19.11.2024 03:01:23] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Good people and bad people exist everywhere, in every group and faction. It's the nature of humans.
[19.11.2024 03:01:30] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Oh you're not wrong, you should see Sergeant Appletree.
[19.11.2024 03:01:46] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: hai. Oh another Potencial Patient for me?
[19.11.2024 03:01:54] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Oh I hope he gets professional help.
[19.11.2024 03:01:58] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Jesus that man.
[19.11.2024 03:02:30] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: well i still have Capacities to take on new Patients. But they need to want it so it can Truely Work.
[19.11.2024 03:02:47] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Maybe Dr. Vacarro can put them under a microscope...she loves to study foetid xenocultures.
[19.11.2024 03:02:58] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Pfft.
[19.11.2024 03:03:10] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: oh my. i Know some of that type as well,
[19.11.2024 03:03:58] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: we have a Xenobilogist on board the Healing Heart that Helps the Gaian Animals on Board. Sometimes i have a Feeling he--
[19.11.2024 03:04:02] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Alright. Well we're coming up on the border. This is about as far as I can take you.
[19.11.2024 03:04:03] [MFE]~Penicillin: --would love to be one Himself.
[19.11.2024 03:04:17] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: It'
[19.11.2024 03:04:27] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: It's been an alarmingly smooth night with you two.
[19.11.2024 03:04:48] ZCS-Copenhagen: [Bridge] Thank you for the escort, Officer. I wholeheartedly attribute that to your fine work.
[19.11.2024 03:05:08] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: may you have a Happy Life. I hope to see you again Officer.
[19.11.2024 03:05:09] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Well, someone's gotta give me credit eventually...
[19.11.2024 03:05:18] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Farewell, Isa.
[19.11.2024 03:05:20] ZCS-Copenhagen: We have a long sail before we come into port for the evening yet. Safe sailing to you.
[19.11.2024 03:05:34] CDI)SC-Jacky.Montgomery: Good luck, Captain.
I escorted the vessels to the Tau-31 jumpgate not long after, where the two apparently routed to the Baffin system. Ultimately the two behaved themselves very respectfully, and Isa later returned and gifted me a small bit of jewlery, some kind of Zoner trinket from the Baffin system. I uh... would like to formally apologize if I overstepped my bounds for allowing a Zoner capital ship through Bretonian space, I made a judgement call at the time and stand by it. If necessary I will submit myself for inquiry.