The totally exploited game mechanic in a 1v1 snub fight allowing the master of the hack to permanently sit behind their less experienced foe was only ever counter-able with insta kill moves. In a ten min fight your enemy is on you screen for maybe 30seconds in total, which is the only time you can unleash this damage.
The “balance” team decided they would rather be 100% untouchable so removed the insta kill moves- dressing it up as making it easier for the average player when really, it was removing any hope of them ever dealing meaningful damage.
Likewise with capitals, any advantage or usable playoff was removed. A skilful player in a battleship could fend off multiple enemy capitals with no mechanic abusing hiding, just forward planning and pure skill. The dev team didn’t like this as they don’t poses that skill- it was nerfed so capitals suck.
Genuinely, if balance was left the hell alone and returned to 4.84 when the game was playable- players would enjoy pvp again & the cancerous hold of the top abusers would once again be restored.
It won’t happen, the balance dev is far too self obsessed and has many rehearsed dismissal quotes to pawn you off with.