(11-30-2024, 02:15 PM)The_Godslayer Wrote: Now I face the urge to simply not log on in the game and only do forum RP because I know that if I run with an escort of 3, not only am I going to show up in someone's kill compilation, but there is exactly zero hope of a lucky shot saving the day. There's genuinely nothing I can do, even across ship classes, except die.
My nostalgia is already set aside. The two things I want to do in the current environment, PvP and RP, are becoming functionally impossible for me. I'd like them not to be.
This is a sentiment I can anecdotally echo as it hits the nail on the head for me. The current state of balance and the majority of the ships I typically fly being absolutely miserable for casual enjoyment has more or less reduced my log time to zero. PvP events don't attract me. PvE isn't rewarding or interesting enough for me personally.
After vanilla the only thing I wished for was the ability to fly and operate larger ships like cruisers and battleships. Discovery gave me that and I loved it. Things weren't over-complicated. I didn't feel the need to invest an unreasonable amount of time and two extra hands to maintain a ludicrous amount of hotkeys for a less rewarding experience. Regardless of if I was fighting an insurmountable force, or if I was in a duel with a dude objectively better than me, I at least had some level of impact. I felt like I was doing more.
Now I feel like every fight is something I flounder in. I can't win against 95% of the people I engage. I can't defend myself against 95% of the people who engage me. There's no security in logging my larger ships as without escorts I'm easy pickings, and it feels like I'm being funneled to fly a snub the majority of the time, given that most people I usually roll with aren't going to log to fly escort duty and draw attention to themselves, knowing they'll experience the same level of despair when facing combat.
Even when fights are balanced, numerically. If the more capable pilots split up and try to even the odds. The fights don't feel organic. They feel stagnant. Boring. Everyone comes out of it agitated. There's no sense of triumph. There's no sense of enjoyment. It's a numbers game of all evens until one side runs out.
That's boring, dog.
I hate the reduced TTK because I'm barely in a fight for a minute now. I'd rather not even show if it means saving myself the headache.