(12-01-2024, 02:24 AM)FoeHammered Wrote: So there's my brainstorm, Something I think would be really cool to see put in the game. Would really like to know if something like this has been done or considered before/Could be implemented. And think would make things really interesting in snub groupfights.
From what I understand, we have the tech for healing/"negative damage" weapons pretty well figured out. The notion of those support weapons applying to the wielder as well is a different matter entirely.
Of course, this would be a drastic balance change. And it would be rather difficult to integrate this into Freelancer's lore as well -- but this is a thread about balance, not about lore.
I wish I had something meaningful to contribute, but I'm not skilled enough at pvp to identify the problems with it myself or come up with ideas on how to improve it, only to hear others' takes and think "yeah that sounds right" or "this guy's smoking crack".