Besides all infocards of weapons are completely useless and tell you nothing about how the gun is supposed to be used or how it should perform.
Lets not speak about shields and mines and their functions that are even less transparent.
Edit: Speaking about the text and not the random number generator that is the dozens of lines of things no new player will understand (looking at you missiles as well)
It's high time all the newly added mechanics are actually explained ingame somewhere and not old patch notes.
idem goes for new commands added to the game that are yet to be added to /help.
The same for the new mining function, can I figure it out ingame without needing to look up a manual on the forums?
A lot of the grumpy nature of the community to balance is a lack of explanation of newly added mechanics.
Is there any explanation about how the fuze works ingame?
Freelancer was fun because it was easy to grasp.
Hell, I can't even chill and casually fly information anymore because of the cruise speed differences
Everything has to be micromanaged now...
Edit: And yes, I know manuals take a whole lot of effort and are pain to keep updated but if you (devs) want the support of this community for changed made to the mod, you're going to have to explain further than just patch notes and occasional feedback threads. Adding simple "we changed it to encourage... etc" would be useful too.