(12-05-2024, 12:16 AM)LuckyOne Wrote: Here's some feedback from someone who is also on the lower end of the curve skill-wise when it comes to PVP.
The new balance is really frustrating to me. There are very few ways to deal significant chunk damage now that don't rely on great aiming skills.
May I ask, what was in the old balance that let you do significant chunks of damage that we can't use now?
Missiles are in a good place, they allow you to do decent damage with just ballpark shooting, you have so many of them that you can drain the CMs eventually and start doing work here. I've used missiles a lot in my time as a way to try to improve by contributing between shooting hullbusters and it is very noticable when they are not being used.
And how is the addition of CL1s being faster weapons not helping here?
(12-05-2024, 12:16 AM)LuckyOne Wrote: The fast velocity & fast refire guns can hit but only deal a tiny fraction of chip damage before one gets stuck there with an empty core.
You take a Crusader and equip 4 Splitters vs 4 Rippers.
If you want me to validate math I can do so in a reply, but short of it is:
4 Splitters deal 16,576 hull damage in 4 seconds.
4 Rippers deal 11,328 hull damage in 4 seconds.
Let's say you hit 30% of those shots with the Splitters, you would deal 4,973 damage.
In theory you'll hit more, maybe say 50% of the shots with Rippers and you deal 5,664 damage.
Now 4 seconds is a lot of time, but you can get the same results with a smaller snapshot of time really, this is just a representative average.
I don't think it's a stretch that these guns hit more often considering the 150m/s speed boost they have, and with 20% more hits in this example you end up dealing more damage.
Even if you only hit 10% more than the CL2 example, that's still 4,531 damage. 9.75% worse damage. Basically in this example you would be doing 10% less damage if you hit 10% more with CL1s than if you had CL2s, by no means of the imagination I feel this is a 'tiny fraction of chip damage'.
Infact the only times that I feel worse using CL1s now is if I am jousting someone, in group fights where I get to click targets that are not in jousting constantly with me CL1s in my hands just outright out perform CL2s and it will likely remain that way unless my aim improves a lot.