Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Security Clearance: < GRANTED >
Sender ID: Captain Samantha Brown
Recipient ID: Erick Hines
Subject: RE: Application Response
Mister Hines,
I am Captain Samantha Brown and I've been instructed by Vice Admiral Maria Uhmen to handle your application, on behalf of her.
I'm happy to announce, on behalf of Command, that your application to the Forty-sixth Fleet has been reviewed accepted. You appear to have correct ideals and a noble cause, and we are in no position to deprive you of the life you seek as a law enforcement officer.
Seeing the results of your candidacy trials aboard West Point is definitely promising, but you surely have a lot to learn. Of course, that isn't mentioned to discourage you; the Fleet will be by your side every step on the way and we will help you in any way we are able to.
You will begin your career with the Forty-sixth as a Cadet, with many things to learn ahead of you. Besides familiarizing you with the proud traditions of the Liberty Navy and the Laws of the Republic, the Fleet will provide you with all the tools you'll ever require in order to be a fully capable officer. While you're a Cadet - and later on an Ensign - Command will actively be assessing your suitability to the Naval lifestyle, as well as your progress in order to ensure that you're walking along the right path to becoming an effective asset not only to ourselves, but to the Republic as well.
I won't bore you with too many details on this channel. Proceed to our headquarters on Norfolk Shipyard for further debriefing, our officers aboard will explain the rest to you as well as answer any possible questions you might have.
Congratulations, Cadet. Welcome to the Forty-sixth Fleet.