Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Security Clearance: < GRANTED >
Sender ID: Daniel Morag
Age: 26
Subject: Liberty Navy, 46th Fleet Application
Qualifications: 4 weeks
Why do want to join the Navy: I want to improve liberty and protect its interests.
Requested Division: Main Fleet
Biography: He was born in California but later moved to Manhattan and enrolled in the West Point Military Academy. After graduation, he applied for admission to the Liberty Navy
Have you read the Laws of Liberty : Yes
//OORP Section (Mandatory)
(This section is necessary for your application acceptance)
How long have you played Discovery? :4 weeks
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned, if so why : No
Please Answer these quick questions to make sure you are familiar with Liberty Law.
1.Please name 2 (two) restricted areas in Liberty : Zone 21, Alaska System
2.Name 4 major big contraband items that are listed in Liberty Law : Artifact, Xeno Relics, Blood Diamonds, Cardamine
3.If you spot a ship carrying Naval Equipment (guns) what would you do if their ID is not Navy : I'll take you under arrest
5.You have stopped a Trader carrying Cardamine, what do you do with this individual and why : I'll take you under arrest because it's forbidden.
(This section will not effect your acceptance in any way)
Rate your PVP capability 1 - 10 : 4
Rate your roleplay ability 1 - 10 : 7
Discord ID (PM if you want) : .prostozabey
What is your timezone : UTS+4 Lastly, do you require assistance in funding your own ship?: yes