' Wrote:For the record, I found Tequila quite RP in his piracy...the thievin' dawg.
Threatening blackmail is a violation as an admin stated so in a post some time ago--though I don't know the thread. in the sense, you set up getting victimized intentionally to "collect".
The system channel "//ooc rule lawyering MUST stop" and the biggest ones guilty of it are often ones who have been here longer. Seems they feel it doesn't apply to them.
I pm other than the briefest of comments such as "//private please" when people start to argue.
Handle it as RP, go PM or go Sanction--those are your ONLY choices.
Well I can sort of understand 'veterans' feeling immune to the rules. I made that mistake and Xoria hammered me into sense. And I thank him.
I take it into private comms or I don't bother. I'd rather annoy one person than the whole system. Personally if I try to RP it, it NEVER works. I just argue with them in private. If they not like it, their problem for not understanding.