Well im quite new in this server, but still i have my opinion. I think whole capships should be heavely restricted. It is trange to see in the sapce 5 battlehips without any fighter support. (tha same comes to a cruisser battlecruisser and more).
For the Ship changing like only for PvP. Well battleships i think dont have much RP potencial, but they are good for massive assualts and space battles. Imagine balanced battle bewtween a few cap ships led by a few wing of fighters. That is impressive. So i think cap ships should be sold on restrictemnt. Like 1 Battleship for 8 players, or something.
And more. battleships eats billions galons of feul. Spece crew cost a lot. Missile and other equiment it expensive too. And a distruction of such kind of ship its a disaster. So thats why usging battleships not just for haavy assualts or defence of home systems its a bit OoRP.