ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH WARHAMMER 40k (dawn of war, firewarrior, chaos gate, warhammer fatasy stuff too)
Galactic Civlilizations 2
Champions of Norrath
Burnout (3and4)
Killzone (named my freelancer clan after the enemies in this game lol)
C&C (all of them)
Halo 1&2
and the game that inspred them all, the game that started a space combat sims, the game that was made by a collage kid as a classroom project and was the greatest
the fist of these games was made like mid 90s and it rocked
this game is very little know but you have to downlaod it for free at EV NOVA Nova was made more recently thatn the first, as the first is only for mac
Pirate guy who likes kane from C&C: wow it seams we each like many of the same games lol