It is currently not possible to have a liberty navy faction, because of the no pVP rule in Newyork.
My idea is that a system should be created next to new york. This system will be where players start, where players put their banks etc, and will be a no PVP system. It will not a part of liberty.
This will allow the no PVP rule to be lifted from New York, and Liberty Space opened up for fighting/attacks/pvp/RP and a liberty navy alligned faction.
I dont know what the system should be connected to, maybe just copy and paste new york as it were - but call it something different. This way it will still keep the same set up as new york has currently, the same jhs/jgs. This will mean it wont change how easy/hard it is to get to new system from any specific point. Obviously additional jh/jgswill need to be added between New York and this new system, but i dont think new york > new system should be the only route.