' Wrote:"Tip: suicide immediately after fights if you lose equipment. When you respawn, you will have all your mounted items back (granted you haven't docked anywhere..) "
sorry to say that - but thats a horrible example of good roleplay. personally, i very very much dislike people that planet/sundive cause they lost equipment. its a RP server... if you fear the repair bill - don t get into a fight. if you got into a fight, suffer the consequences and repair the ship.
thats why i would always support it when suicide or death in general left the ship with only like 10% health on all components and equipment when you respawn. - a REAL punishment for dieing since we don t "die" anyway.
i know that loosing a fight by being shot down can come cheaper than winning with half your equipment blown off - but .... are we seriously roleplaying? or just pvping.....
Some people don't have the time or inclination to rebuy all their gear. Financing such losses is ridiculously expensive, and happens all the time with bombers.