but its a matter of choice after all. - if i want the edge by using a cheeta thruster - my repair bill will be high , cause the thing costs 20 million base and repairs are percentual.
if i fly a bomber with a supernova, i suffer from it, cause its a 7 million equipment instead of the cheaper razor for example.
i know i can roleplay a crash landing.... on a sun/gas giant/barren moon, or if i m careful - a habitated planet even. .... funny thing i appear quickly again afterwards unharmed in a new ship.
i know its not everyone has the time to trade for the repair, but it might as well make players think more carefully what pvp is necessary and what pvp the char would avoid ( since the player would suffer a financial loss )
its a matter of gameplay vs. roleplay after all... but personally i just consider it bad forms to suicide the damage away. precious equipment requires extra care ...