Well, I cant speak for black squadron but I doubt you'll get one of them posting here since they arent the most active people around.
In my opinion, from the perspective of both my junker and order characters... the 522nd started off great (I was there helping walker with it when the group was created), but has severely declined since then. Nowdays, every 522nd player I see is either pvp/capwhoring in NY with little or - more often - no RP, or is hanging out in connecticut yapping oorp. I havent seen any big RP events presented by or involving the group, I have yet to see one of their members fly anything under gunboat size, and they've been shut down multiple times by the admins and other factions for poor attitude and OORP behavior.
I really dont think that 'rebel' faction groups work here. They've been done several times before and almost never turn out good. The 522nd is the biggest example of this - the RP, server rules, ID restrictions, and game mechanics simply do not support the concept of a rebel portion within a larger faction, at least for military groups (which is the only place they ever come up).
In short... I think the 522nd would really be best off disbanding and joining up with pirate groups that already have established RP and behavior (Lane hackers, liberty rogues, xenos, etc.).