*Incoming Transmission*
Comm. ID - Col. Diablo - Commander, SOB
Target ID - Junkers Congress
Transmission Begins
As you are aware from our previous talks & agreements made through the Council of the Dons, I have deployed a small task force to Yanagi Station.
In the past few weeks it has effectively repelled a few of the Bounty Hunting scum from attacking or even approaching the station, keeping it secure for all smugglers & Junkers alike. ( Even those Corsair scum we despise, but allow to enter). Recently, other events have unfolded to force me to move some of my fleet around to cover other theaters of operations. I still have a formidable group posted at Yanagi, yet it is smaller & will eventually be less effective. Thus I will be sending requests to a few allies for support in efforts to keep Yanagi free of Bounty Hunter interference.
I do however have a coupe questions that I need cleared up do to some uncertainty of Junkers wishes & policies.
1: How far of a buffer zone should the no fire agreement be limited to?
We was told 8k by one Junker, 5 k from another & 10k from yet another. A set distance agreed by all would be most helpful.
2: We are assuming we are weapons free at any distance from Yanagi to repel Bounty Hunters & other lawful ships such as the GMG. Is this a correct assumption?
3: Would the allied ships we may be asking to assist have permission to dock, refuel /arm & rest at Yanagi station when needed?
4: Would you like to have detailed reports of our activities posted to you concerning Yanagi & if so, where would you like them sent?
There also seems to be concerns about our pirating operations in the Sigma 13 area. Rest assured, All SOB ships have been instructed to limit pirating to a distance of 5 to 8k away from Yanagi & not to pirate any Junker identified ship. But the Congress should be aware that our pirating is funding our fleet that is present to protect your station.
If any other concerns should arise, Please send me a message or transmit your concerns to the Council of the Dons.