There shall not be Nomad genitalia sticking out of the Spyglass under any circumstances.
There are in fact two VERY large, HIGHLY visible scanners on the current model. See the two big rings circling the ship? The rear, curved ring is the highly sensitive passive sensor system, and the forward ring is an extremely overpowered active sensor generator (No, I don't just stick those things on my ships so I can put guns on them).
There will be additional, smaller spiny sensor thingamadoodads placed across the actual model. There will be exposed circuitry and wires. None of this has been drawn in as it would take a ridiculous amount of time, by which I could probably have already made what's shown in the drawing.
Tell me about these spikes, please; I'm looking hard, and the only thing I can see that would be construed as a spike is the bow, which isn't really a spike, and the rear end of the engine cowling, which, again, isn't a spike. If you're referring to that pointy-looking thing at the top-center of the ship, that's a bridge. Look at the Liberty Dreadnought for more inspiration. I'm confused...:unsure:
The ship will be smaller than the current Spyglass. About the size of the Outcast Dreadnought, I'm thinking. It'll still be a pain to move in the local geography and a huge target, but now it will be more in keeping with Liberty Design philosophies (they don't really do big, if you get my meaning).
Anyways, here's a modified version. I widened the bow and added the three smaller engines. I'll probably play with the engine cowlings and make the ends more ghetto; the point looks a little artsy, but I'm about to get booted off of this computer, so I thought it best to just post it instead of spending another ten minutes trying different things.
EDIT: And I added the Liberty logo because I'm sort of throwing around the idea of allowing LN to use it in SRPs, some of us have talked and we thought it would be a nice RP addition to the fleet (assuming it's rule-regulated so it doesn't become the new New York Bicycle like the Liberty Dread). If we can get the Admins in on it I think we can have a lot of fun with the ship. I'm not sure if they would have bothered to remove it anyways, as the emblems are carved pretty deep (nine or ten feet, by the looks of it) into the hulls of the ships; filling it in would be expensive and a waste of time, imho. We'll see, though.
EDIT2: Also, last I flew it it had fifteen guns, though that might have changed.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen