not long ago ( some short time after the release of 4.84 ) - people complained about the uselessness of missiles and any attack on the bombers ability to fight back was countered with a "but its all for the good of anti-capital-ship-spam".
now - its the bad missiles that hurt gameplay ( missiles that were considered to be useless ) - and the overpowered bombers that ruin the day.
thats how things and tactics evolve.
one thing i agree with though.... armour upgrades are a joke. - they are a necessity and we wouldn t need 8 of them... BUT - thats all the players fault, you know.
armour upgrades happen to be factionized - and would have been balanced if players wouldn t like to have everything for themselves all the time.
armour upgrade mk 8 is an order equipment. if we go by factionized gear - the zoners and the corsairs might use them. - the former being insignificant cause they are not fighting - the later would have their "tanklike" ships being supported.
and you know what the result would have been?
the overagile sabre would find a real counterpart in the sluggish but indestructible titan. - but since players wished those things to be free-for-all ... we get the type 8 everywhere, when it should really rather be the type 2 or 3 that is freely available. the edgeworld fighters would slaughter the lawful fighters - which ... in RP are MUCH more numberous. so the lawfuls outnumber the unlawfuls - but their gear is not as sophisticated but more average. - the major pirate factions would have powerful ships - but they d meet odds of 3 to 1 or worse when they went to house space + capital ships that are much more common in house space than in pirate factions.
things ARE balanced - and if players ( thats all of them ) RPed seriously - those items would be used the way they are intended to be used. - house armies would use the mk 3 - a few factions might choose between the 4 - 6 armour upgrades - and the order being the pinacle of technology would use the type 8.
its not the upgrades that are a problem - its the players that want to have everything. - if the community met a consensus to agree on factionized armour upgrades - people would either have to make special RP chars to justify the use of a piece of equipment from a foreign faction ... or they d have to use something that they can - in terms of RP - actually use.