' Wrote:It's only the pilots that decide the match, and it was Divine implying they should be nerfed, not you.
Nope, I didnt said that at any place and when you get it like I was implying to nerf them, then I have to say you, that you got it wrong. (no offence here; needs just to be corrected)
It's was never about 'nerfing' the SNAC, cause it is needed to Fight the Gunships/Cruisers/Battleships.
It is about NOT USING THEM AGAINST FIGHTERS; that's all...
The Bomber pilot can decide wether he want this short Fight and his fast kill OR he decide to give the Fighter pilot at least a more fairly chance in that fight, even if that means, that the Bomber pilot needs to retreat.
See, I own a Bomber; it is used as research and escort ship...
- NovaTorp
- SidewinderMissile
- 3 Sunfrenzy 9
- 1 Opt. Deb. Turret
- NukeMine
And I dont use the NovaTorpedo or the SNAC against Fighters or Bombers (and also not the Mines), just some rockets from time to time, when the target is in a good position to fire one (no missile spam).
NovaTorpedos, SNAC and Mines are used to fight larger targets, like Gunships and all above.
But I have also to admit, that I drop mines when Iam surrounded by at least two Fighters or more; then I try to drop the mine between them, hopefully hitting both (or at least more than one).