From: Cpt. Azuki Tamagochi ; GMG|GTS.Abashiri
Subject: Negotiations with the RHA
Konnichiwa Honourable Guild Masters.
As a trader who must take the long and dangerous road to Gran Canaria, I would like to offer my voice regarding these negotiations.
The only real concern I have is the tribute - and yes it is a tribute - of H-Fuel to be paid to the Hessians.
Talking with Zoner merchants, I am reliably informed that Frietal Base has a much higher demand for Engine Components - which can easily be sourced from Honshu.
Even if Engine Components are not desired by the Hessians I would be willing to run H-Fuel to Frietal Base, in return for taking back Diamonds to be sold in Kusari.
Would the Blood Dragons be concerned of this? Possibly - but then they have raised no concerns regarding our shipments of Deuterium to Planet Honshu, nor our supply of Military Vehicles. It is the vast, gluttonous bulk supply through Sigma-13 (and their own territory) that seems to concern them.
If the Guild recocgnises the Hessians as a legitimate alternative to the present Rhineland regime, then surely we can bypass the entire corrupt Rhineland apparatus and source product from the Hessians themselves?
As a trader and businesswoman, I would argue that trade of this kind benefits our allies for the following reasons:
1) Dealing directly with the Hessians boosts the Hessians economy.
2) Both Hessians and Blood Dragons are free to squeeze trade coming out from the New Berlin jump hole in Sigma-13.
3) Trade in Diamonds is reduced overall - being lowered more in Sigma than we could possibly expand into the Omegas - this in turn hurts the current regimes in Rhineland and Kusari (places we would both like to see regime change).
4) Trade in Diamonds moves further into our hands - and we of the Guild do like to be holding all the cards do we not?
If Rhineland spies learn of this it would of course raise tensions. If tensions are to escalate I as a citizen of this Guild would like to ensure this is worth the sacrifice of profit, and the increased risk to my family.
With any negotiation, both sides offer more than what they hope to achieve, then come to a middle ground. An offer of 'take it or leave it' cannot be regarded as a negotiation in any sense.